08/02/2010 - Press release
Atherosclerosis is a disease where fatty matter is deposited along the walls of the arteries, which can lead to heart attacks or cerebrovascular accidents.This is the first study that proves that the population who lives within 100 metres of a motorway or busy road suffers an acceleration in atherosclerosis more than double of its regular process.
Més informació "Contamination accelerates the atherosclerosis process"
28/01/2010 - General information
IntOgen, an interface designed as an essential tool for cancer research The Biomedical Genomics laboratory of the IMIM and UPF’s Biomedical Informatics Research Group (GRIB in Spanish), led by Núria Lopez-Bigas, has developed an innovative system for analysing and integrating large amounts of cancer genomic data.The results produced by this multidimensional resource, known as IntOGen, can be viewed on the web interface www.intogen.org.
Més informació "IntOgen, an interface designed as an essential tool for cancer research"
25/01/2010 - General information
Every year since 1996, the American Heart Association lists the top 10 most important scientific advances related to cardiovascular diseases and stroke. This year, the top 10 includes a study involving researchers from the Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics Research Group from IMIM-Hospital del Mar. It was published last June in the prestigious journal Nature Genetics.
Més informació "An IMIM study makes the American Heart Association’s top 10 list"
03/12/2009 - General information
As part of the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) and the World Mental Health Survey Initiative (WMH project), researchers from the Municipal Institute for Medical Research (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) have participated in a study to establish the prevalence of the major eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder.
30/11/2009 - General information
For the first time, researchers from the Municipal Institute of Medical Research (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) have studied, within the international study setting of ESEMeD, how individuals with mental disorders perceive social rejection and how this affects their well-being and the progress of their illness. Individuals with a mental disorder who feel stigmatised have a lower quality of life and more social and work-related limitations than those with a mental disorder who do not feel stigmatised.
02/11/2009 - Press release
A team of student researchers and interns from the Municipal Institute of Medical Research (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) and the Foundation CIM will conduct a scientific experiment aboard three parabolic flights scheduled by the ESA, on the 3, 4 and 5 November. The experiment intends to improve medical treatment for astronauts through a better understanding of the drug absorption mechanisms in diseases such as cancer and AIDS, will take on board.
Més informació "Students will experiment in microgravity on board of European Space Agency Flights"
30/09/2009 - Events
On Saturday, October 3, from 10am to 7pm, we invite the citizens to an educational and joyful Open Day at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). Visitors can participate in scientific experiments, visit laboratories and installations, watch videos, get to know the lines of research of the park, participate in a round-table discussion and talk to the young scientists who will attend all the questions of the public.
28/09/2009 - Press release
We must stress that every year, 18.000 Spaniards die from COPD, a figure that makes it the top cause of avoidable death in Spain and the only pathology related to smoking that continues to be on the rise. According to the EPISCAN study, the prevalence of COPD in Spain currently extends to 10.2% of the population –nearly one and a half million citizens.
Més informació "Moderate physical activity can help stop the evolution of COPD"
22/09/2009 - Institutional news
On Monday, September 21, His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden and a delegation from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences have visited the PRBB. The delegation is on a 4-day Royal Technology Mission to Spain and has chosen the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park to get informed about the infrastructure and the research that is carried out in this building.
28/08/2009 - Press release
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects almost half of smokers of advanced age. Although clinical manifestations and disease severity vary greatly across patients, treatment is often similar. Through the development of a new risk index for COPD patients, researchers are seeking ways to improve this situation.
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