Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


  • President :
    • Beatriz Bellosillo, head of the Molecular Biology section of the Anatomo-Patological service at Hospital del Mar and investigator of the Cancer programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
  • Secretary:
    • Marta López Otero, Director of the Strategic Area at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
  • Vocals:
    • Xavier Bessa, chief of the Digestology service at Hospital del Mar and investigator of the Cancer programme at IMIM.
    • Fernando Burdio Pinilla, doctor of the General Surgery service at Hospital del Mar and investigator of the Cancer programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Marta Crespo Barrio, acting chief of service of the Nefrology Department at Hospital del Mar and investigator of the Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Marta Ferran Ferràs, doctor of the Dermatology Departament at Hospital del Mar and investigator of the Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Juan Pablo Horcajada Gallego, head of the Infectious Diseases service at the Hospital del Mar and researcher in the Translational Clinical Research Program of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Francina Fonseca Casals, doctor of the Psychiatry Department at Hospital del Mar and investigator of the Neurosciences programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Maria Merino, Human Resources director, Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Álvaro Clemente Vivancos, Vocal, Nurse of the Hospital del Mar and researcher of the Epidemiology and Public Health Research Program of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Xavier Nogués, head of the Internal Medicine service at Hospital del Mar and director of the Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Patricia Robledo, investigator of the Neurosciences programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Ana Rovira Guerin, investigator of the Cancer programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.
    • Maria Sala Serra, head of the Evaluation and Quality Service section at Hospital del Mar and investigator of the Epidemiology and Public Health programme at Hospital del Mar Research Institute.

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