30/11/2010 - Institutional news
The prize-giving ceremony for the Awards for Professional Excellence 2010, organised by the Barcelona College of Doctors (COMB), took place on the 29th November in the Teatro Romea. Roberto Elosua, coordinator of the IMIM Cardiovascular Genetics and Epidemiology Research Group, received an award at this year’s ceremony along with other professionals from MAR Health Park.
Més informació "Roberto Elosua wins the COMB Award for Professional Excellence"
16/11/2010 - General information
A study directed by Miguel López-Botet, director of the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) and coordinator of the Immunology Laboratory of the Health and Experimental Science Department (CEXS), has identified the receptors involved in triggering the cytotoxic activity of human NK (natural killer) cells in response to human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-infected dendritic cells.
16/11/2010 - Press release
A study jointly led by researchers from the Hospital del Mar and the IMIM in Barcelona, Regensburg University (Germany) and the Epithelial Carcinogenesis group of the Molecular Pathology Programme at the National Centre for Cancer Research (CNIO, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas) has explained new aspects regarding the genetics of benign skin tumours which question how tumours develop and progress.
Més informació "Benign skin tumours provide clues to the molecular mechanisms involved in cancer"
16/11/2010 - Press release
One of the grants awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) this year was for the BREATHE (BRain dEvelopment and Air polluTion ultrafine particles in scHool ChildrEn) project directed by Dr. Jordi Sunyer, co-director of the Research Centre for Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) and director of the IMIM Research Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health.
Més informació "Jordi Sunyer has been awarded the Advanced Grant for scientific excellence"
08/11/2010 - Press release
A study in Barcelona led by Dr. Silvia Delgado of the Hospital del Mar Digestion Service and IMIM researcher at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, shows that speeding up the arrival of nutrients into the intestine with a drug manages to reduce the amount of food consumed in one meal. These results have been published in the International Journal of Obesity and involve a change of paradigm with regard to the established knowledge on the mechanisms which control satiety and ingestion in humans.
Més informació "A new treatment option for fighting obesity has been identified"
2nd november 2010 - Institutional news
A group of science journalists from the European Union of Science Journalists Associations (EUSJA) visited the PRBB last Wednesday October 27. They came from Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. During a couple of hours the journalists visited the building and some of the facilities and they also had a chance to talk to some researchers, such as en Manolis Kogevinas (CREAL), Anna Bigas (IMIM) or Maria José Barrero (CMRB) about the research taking place in their centres.
Més informació "European science journalists visit the IMIM"
25/10/2010 - Press release
A large collaborative multi-stage study led by the US National Cancer NCI and based on the Spanish Bladder Cancer (SBCS) / EPICURO Study jointly coordinated by Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) and the Centre de Recerca en Epidemiologia Ambiental (CREAL) and IMIM, has identified several new genetic variants associated with bladder cancer risk and validated recently reported variants.
19/10/2010 - Press release
Days of absence due to illness are the main source of lost human capital for a country’s economy. A paper led by researchers from the IMIM Health Services Research Group (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), has studied what mental and physical disorders occur most commonly and account for days of absence from the usual daily activity.
Més informació "Diseases considered as mild most affect a country’s productivity"
07/10/2010 - Press release
Tomorrow, Friday 8th October, is the last day of the meeting of the Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence (VPH NoE)’s second study group. This European Network of Excellence is coordinating a five-year series of activities on the development of the Virtual Human Being, with the aim of generating simulations of multi-scale models which reproduce the way the body works from the molecule to the organ.
Més informació "The Virtual Human Being: simulating how the human body works"
30/09/2010 - Press release
A study conducted by researchers from IMIM in Barcelona and from the Josep Trueta University Hospital and Jordi Gol Foundation in Girona analysed the relationship between socioeconomic status and the risk of suffering from an acute myocardial infarction. Education level and social class based on occupation are indicators that are associated with the risk of having an acute myocardial infarction.
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