Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


  • 18/02/2019 - Institutional news

    Call Human Resources Director

    The Mar Institute of Medical Research Foundation (IMIM Foundation), announces the position of Director with incorporation through a full-time work contract and appointment as Director. The person awarded the position will be responsible for developing and implementing policies related to staff effectiveness, aligned with the Institute's strategy. Their main role will be to ensure that the people who work in the Institute have a balance between skills and experience, fostering their development so that they have the opportunity to improve their position within the Institute itself. They must always generate a supportive and challenging work environment that promotes equal opportunities, ethical integrity, and a work-life balance.

    Més informació "Call Human Resources Director"

  • 19/11/2018 - Press release

    Gene vital for post-stroke recovery identified for the first time

    Having certain specific variants of the PATJ  gene predisposes to worse recovery from ischemic stroke. 7 out of 10 patients with these variants suffer severe sequelae three months after having a stroke, in other words, they are in a situation of dependence, compared to less than half of patients who do not present these variants. This is data from an international, multicentre study coordinated by researchers at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and doctors from the Hospital del Mar, published in the journal Circulation Research. This is the most important research carried out so far in the field of genetics and stroke prognosis, and the first published: it uses data from more than 2,000 patients and involves 12 centres from around the world. The study was carried out thanks to the help of the 2010 edition of La Marató de TV3.

    Més informació "Gene vital for post-stroke recovery identified for the first time"

  • 02/08/2018 - Press release

    Key piece identified for slowing a colorectal cancer subtype

    Inhibiting the Jagged 1 protein in mice prevents the proliferation and growth of colon and rectal tumours. What is more, this approach to the disease permits the removal of existing tumours. This is the conclusion of a study led by the Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer and Stem Cells research group from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), directed by Dr Lluís Espinosa, who is also a member of CIBERONC (the Network Centre for Biomedical Research into Cancer), in collaboration with the Pathological Anatomy and Medical Oncology Units at Hospital del Mar, and the IDIBELL-Catalan Oncology Institute. The work has been published in Nature Communications. The researchers took tumours from patients and then implanted them into mice in order to analyse the role of this protein in cancer cell proliferation. Jagged 1 is essential for cancer cells due to its role in activating the so-called Notch cell-signalling pathway. Generally speaking, Notch inhibits cell differentiation, in other words, a cell's ability to become a mature cell that can no longer proliferate. In the case of colorectal tumours, the activation of this signalling pathway favours their proliferation and growth.

    Més informació "Key piece identified for slowing a colorectal cancer subtype"

  • 11/07/2018 - Press release

    A new computational method for exploring the reuse of drugs

    Researchers led by Emre Guney of the research programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB), a joint programme of Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), have developed a new computational method to reuse drugs that target biological pathways common to more than one disease. A significant percentage of marketed drugs are not effective in patients due to the complexity of the biological processes involved in diseases and genetic differences between people. Despite recent technological advances, the discovery of new effective treatments takes a long time and continues to be expensive. For this reason, the reuse of medicines, i.e., the use of existing drugs for other diseases, is a very interesting alternative to reduce the costs of drug development.

    Més informació "A new computational method for exploring the reuse of drugs"

  • 10/07/2018 - Institutional news

    Jordi Mestres elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

    On June 8th, Dr Jordi Mestres, coordinator of the IMIM Systems Pharmacology Research Group, was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry of the United Kingdom. Achieving this status is an important milestone in a researcher's career as it indicates scientific quality and is one of the most important recognitions a chemist can receive. The Royal Society of Chemistry is a non-profit organisation that is more than 175 years old and has more than 54,000 members across the world. Its aim is to advance excellence in the chemical sciences, investing in the education of future generations, creating and maintaining standards, encouraging innovation, and advising governments.

    Més informació "Jordi Mestres elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry"

  • Events

    Immunotherapy for treating the most aggressive breast cancer

    Immunotherapy, the use of the patient's own immune system to attack tumour cells is the method chosen by the Hospital del Mar and its research centre, the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) in their search for new breast cancer treatments. They are looking in particular at triple negative breast cancer, one of the most aggressive types, which, in addition, affects younger patients and is the breast tumour with the fewest therapeutic targets for oncologists. This commitment has received a strong boost thanks to the grant the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) has just awarded the project "LCOR orchestrates the differential IFN-a response and immunological properties of triple-negative breast cancer cells", led by Dr. Toni Celià-Terrassa, a researcher in the Molecular Therapy of Cancer group, directed by Dr. Joan Albanell, head of medical oncology at Hospital del Mar and director of the IMIM's Cancer Research programme.

    Més informació "Immunotherapy for treating the most aggressive breast cancer"

  • 07/06/2018 - General information

    EU-wide network explores sudden cardiac arrest causes to help prevention and treatment

    Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) continues to be a major public health challenge, accounting for about 20% of all natural deaths in industrialised countries. Although there has been a substantial decline in overall coronary heart disease mortality rates in the past 30 years, SCA rates have fallen to a lesser extent. Some 50 % of all cardiovascular deaths are caused by SCA, a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. With survival rates ranging between 5 % and 20 %, there's a need to improve SCA prevention and treatment. To address this issue, a European public-private consortium is now working on the creation of a joint, harmonised database by analysing SCA victims and DNA samples, along with detailed clinical and medication use information. unded by H2020 Programme of the European Union, the team of scientists contributing to the ESCAPE-NET project, including the System Pharmacology group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) led by Jordi Mestres, summarised the objectives of their research in the 'European Heart Journal'.

    Més informació "EU-wide network explores sudden cardiac arrest causes to help prevention and treatment"

  • 14/06/2018 - General information

    IMPORTANT: Telephone connection cuts from June 18 to update the system

    On the 18th and until the 20th, the PRBB Consortium will replace all of the current phones of the IMIM for IP telephones with more features. During this change process there will be times when external and /or internal telephone connections will not work. We recommend that you communicate, whenever possible, via email.

    Més informació "IMPORTANT: Telephone connection cuts from June 18 to update the system"

  • 17/05/2018 - Institutional news

    Dr. Luis Espinosa and Dr. Anna Vert, editors of a special edition of the journal Biomedicines

    The two IMIM researchers, Lluís Espinosa and Anna Vert, have been chosen to edit a special edition of the journal Biomedicines, from the MDPI publishing house. Under the title Stem Cells and Cancer Therapeutics, it will focus, in the words of the publishers, "on understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling normal cells and stem cells related to cancer, as well as the tools available for studying them in vitro and in vivo." This issue will focus on how new technologies can be used in cancer therapies. The special edition will include around twelve articles by particularly renowned authors. Five of these articles can already be consulted in open format, including the paper "Mammary Stem Cells and Breast Cancer Stem Cells: Molecular Connections and Clinical Implications", authored by Dr. Toni Celià-Terrassa, a researcher from the IMIM's Cancer Research Programme.

    Més informació "Dr. Luis Espinosa and Dr. Anna Vert, editors of a special edition of the journal Biomedicines"

  • 19/04/2018 - Institutional news

    The 3rd European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics brings together more than 130 experts

    The 3rd European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics (ECTB2018) was held on April 16th-17th at the premises of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) with the attendance of more than 130 European scientists, developers, and entrepreneurs, interested in translating genomics and bioinformatics research into healthcare tools and services. The conference aimed to give the participants a unique experience and a forum for discussing fresh scientific results in the translational domain. The conference brought together world-leading scientists in the area which highlighted on their presentations the recent advances in information technologies that are facilitating translational research and precision medicine. Some of the topics addressed were Big Data integration and analysis, Personalized Medicine, Genome Sequencing initiatives, etc, delivered by scientists from Europe, Canada and the USA.

    Més informació "The 3rd European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics brings together more than 130 experts"


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