Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


  • 17/04/2020 - Press release

    Chemotargets opens an investment round to enter a new phase of growth

    Chemotargets, a global leader in predictive analytics solutions for the pharma and biotech sector, begins a phase of transformation to become a biotechnology company that will develop new medicines in multiple therapeutic areas, with an initial focus on oncology. Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from Dr. Jordi Mestres' Systems Pharmacology lab under the auspices of the IMIM Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, a leading academic centre of excellence based in Barcelona, Chemotargets is opening an investment round to undertake the transformation of its business model. Genesis Biomed, a well-established consultancy firm in the health and biotech sectors, and CREA Inversión, an M&A boutique advisory firm specialised in corporate transactions and financing, will advise Chemotargets in this transformation.

    Més informació "Chemotargets opens an investment round to enter a new phase of growth"

  • Institutional news

    The IMIM becomes part of the European Consortium EATRIS to promote translational medicine

    The IMIM Clinical Metabolomics Platform led by Dr. Oscar J. Pozo, from the IMIM Integrated Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience Research Group, has become part of the EATRIS consortium, the European infrastructure for translational medicine, as part of the biomarker platform. This means that the IMIM is now part of a consortium comprising more than 80 prestigious European institutes that is aiming to establish synergies between healthcare researchers by providing them with the most advanced technologies and the experience needed to make headway in translational medicine. EATRIS is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) whose main objective is to advance translational medicine.  Translational research is a highly multidisciplinary and complex undertaking.  One of the greatest challenges in innovation is to understand which steps are necessary and the most appropriate technology and knowledge for taking these steps.

    Més informació "The IMIM becomes part of the European Consortium EATRIS to promote translational medicine"

  • General information

    Anna Bigas, new scientific director of CIBER Cancer

    Anna Bigas, CIBER Cancer (CIBERONC) researcher at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), was appointed the new Scientific Director of CIBERONC at the CIBER Standing Committee meeting held on March 26th.  Anna Bigas takes over from Joaquín Arribas, who has held this position since CIBERONC was set up in 2016. The new Scientific Director, who has already been involved in coordinating two CIBERONC programmes, Mechanisms of Tumour Progression and Training and Mobility, is the second woman to head up one of CIBER's thematic scientific areas, after the appointment of Marina Pollán as director of CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health. Dr. Bigas highlighted "the enormous scientific potential of the groups comprising CIBERONC to collaboratively address major challenges in oncology, as has already been demonstrated on several occasions. At such a critical time as the present, we need to make even more effort to unite all possible human and economic efforts to progress in the fight against cancer. In this sense, CIBERONC is able to provide unique and valuable support, making this advance a reality".

    Més informació "Anna Bigas, new scientific director of CIBER Cancer"

  • 19/03/2020 - Institutional news

    Call for one position for Recognised Researcher (R4)

    The IMIM Foundation announces one position for a Recognised Researcher (R4) with the objective of incorporating into the Institute a researcher of excellence, a leader of research in his/her field, and of international prestige in the field of Biomedicine. The incorporation of the candidate should add significant value to the Institute and make a notable contribution towards achieving the Institute's strategic objectives. Researchers from competitive programmes, such as the Ramón y Cajal and similar programmes, who have made exceptional contributions, will be considered. The candidate must have a PhD in the field of Biomedicine and an exceptional research career, with an excellent leadership capacity and proven international experience in one of the IMIM Foundation's research programmes: Cancer, Epidemiology and Public Health, Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders, Biomedical Informatics, or Neurosciences.

    Més informació "Call for one position for Recognised Researcher (R4)"

  • 17/03/2020 - Institutional news


    Following the state of alarm declared throughout Spain due to COVID-19 and the recommendations of the Catalan authorities to collaborate in preventing the spread of COVID-19, from Monday March 16th onwards, the IMIM staff will be teleworking and will be able to assist you via email and/or telephone. If you have any doubts or questions, you can contact us through the general form on the website: or by writing to the email addresses of the research areas and groups that are listed on that website.

    Més informació "IMIM COMMUNICATION COVID-19"

  • 12/03/2020 - Press release

    Key piece in generating blood stem cells in the laboratory discovered

    Researchers from the Stem Cell and Cancer Group at the Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research (IMIM) have led a study in which they have been able to determine the role of two molecules, Dll4 and Notch, and the importance of their relationship in the generation of blood stem cells. This is a very important step in the search to find a viable method for generating ­­this type of cell in the laboratory. The study, which included researchers from the universities of Tel Aviv, Edinburgh, the Sorbonne in Paris, and Cambridge, has been published in The EMBO Journal. The group that led the study is one of the few Spanish teams working in this field, and for years they have been making breakthroughs in their research into blood stem cells and generating these in the laboratory, in the field of regenerative medicine. Right now, "We can make erythrocytes, platelets, a lot of blood products in the lab, but we have never been able to make a cell that has the characteristics of blood stem cells", explains Dr. Anna Bigas, coordinator of the group and first author of the study. Being able to find a method for generating this type of cell in the laboratory would allow patients with diseases like leukaemia, or certain genetic pathologies that affect the blood, and who do not have a compatible donor, to receive a haematopoietic stem cell transplant. In many cases this is the only treatment possible.

    Més informació "Key piece in generating blood stem cells in the laboratory discovered"

  • 06/02/2020 - Press release

    The spin-off MedBioinformatics Solutions is born to offer software and consultancy on relationships between genes and diseases

    Ten years ago, researchers at Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) created a computer platform for collecting highly relevant scientific information that had, until then, been scattered across several sources: relationships between genes and diseases. This open access tool called DisGeNET has become a benchmark in the field of research. From now on, it will also have an industrial application thanks to MedBioinformatics Solutions, a spin-off of IMIM and UPF that is to develop software and consulting services that will bring added value to the information of DisGeNET to help companies develop new products and services. The company came to life today, 6 February, with the signing of the deeds of incorporation by the acting director of IMIM, Jorge Martínez, the UPF general manager, Jaume Badia; the researchers and partners of the company, Ferran Sanz, Laura Furlong, Janet Piñero and Olga Valverde, and the investor partners: Frederic Abelló and the companies Prous Institute for Biomedical Research and Icrowd+D.

    Més informació "The spin-off MedBioinformatics Solutions is born to offer software and consultancy on relationships between genes and diseases"

  • 22/01/2020 - General information

    Jordi Mestres appointed member of ChemBioFrance Scientific Council

    On January 10th, Jordi Mestres was officially appointed a member of the Scientific Council of ChemBioFrance, a French national research infrastructure dedicated to discovering small biologically active molecules that brings together four different sources of information: the national molecule collection (Chimiothèque Nationale); a network of screening platforms; a chemoinformatics platform; and a network of platforms for evaluating the metabolism and safety of molecules. The Scientific Council provides the infrastructure with external expertise and advice on its activity and operation. It meets once a year and comprises 9 independent scientists, experts from the various platforms, including Jordi Mestres, coordinator of the Systems Pharmacology research group at the GRIB (IMIM-UPF).

    Més informació "Jordi Mestres appointed member of ChemBioFrance Scientific Council"

  • 21/01/2020 - Press release

    New protective marker against cytomegalovirus infection in kidney transplant recipients

    Cytomegalovirus infection is a highly prevalent pathology among patients who have undergone a kidney transplant. Studies carried out at the Hospital del Mar and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute indicate that it affects up to 30% of patients in the 6-month period following the operation. That is why finding elements that can act as infection risk markers for this virus is so important. A team of doctors from the hospital and researchers from the IMIM have demonstrated the role that one type of immune system cell, NK (Natural Killer) cells expressing a specific receptor (NKG2C), plays in predicting the risk of developing infection, complementing the existing conventional marker based on T-cell analysis.

    Més informació "New protective marker against cytomegalovirus infection in kidney transplant recipients"

  • 20/01/2020 - Institutional news

    Dr. Joaquín Arribas, new PSMAR research director and IMIM director

    Joaquín Arribas is an ICREA Research Professor at the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) and Scientific Director at CIBERONC. He studied biochemistry at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1987) where he later worked on the regulation of proteasome catalytic activities and got his PhD in Biology (1991). Sponsored by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science, he joined the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York (USA) as a postdoctoral fellow with Joan Massagué (1992-96), where he worked on the proteolytic processing of transmembrane growth factors. In 1997 he joined the Department of Oncological Research at Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, since which time he has been directing the Growth Factors group. In 2010, he was appointed director of the VHIO preclinical research programme, and in 2017 he became the scientific director at CIBERONC. His research has been recognised by the EMBO Young Investigator Programme Beckman Coultek Award, given to the best Spanish researcher in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

    Més informació "Dr. Joaquín Arribas, new PSMAR research director and IMIM director"


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