Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


  • 08/07/2020 - Press release

    Star-Shaped Brain Cells Shed Light on the Link Between Cannabis Use and Sociability

    Cannabis use can lead to behavioral changes, including reduced social interactions in some individuals. To better understand the phenomenon, Inserm researcher Giovanni Marsicano and his team from NeuroCenter Magendie (Inserm/Université de Bordeaux), in collaboration with University of Salamanca (Spain) professor, Juan P Bolaños and his team, have identified for the first time in mice the cerebral mechanisms underlying the relationship between cannabis and reduced sociability. Their findings have been published in Nature. Dr. Arnau Busquets, currently a Ramon y Cajal researcher in the IMIM's Integrated Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience Research Group is one of the first authors of this work.  He has been responsible for carrying out the in vivo part of the project in mice, during his postdoctoral period in Dr. Marsicano's team in Bordeaux. Dr. Busquets started his own group last September (

    Més informació "Star-Shaped Brain Cells Shed Light on the Link Between Cannabis Use and Sociability"

  • 30/06/2020 - General information

    Two projects involving the IMIM selected in the Spanish Innovation Agency's Challenge-Collaboration call

    The successful projects are "Obtaining antioxidant active substances from the carob pod and validating their therapeutic potential", which involves the company Euronutra, the IBIMA (Malaga Biomedical Research Institute), the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute), and the CRG (Centre for Genomic Regulation); and the project "Development of a new therapy for Fragile X syndrome", in which the company Connecta Therapeutics, the IMIM, and the CRG are participating. The Spanish Innovation Agency call for these grants is part of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020. The goal is to finance cooperative projects between companies and research bodies in order to carry out joint R&D projects that are close to the market and that, due to their subject matter, are aligned with the priorities established in the challenges of the State R&D Programme Oriented to the Challenges of Society.  This year's call has a budget of 260 million euros and one of the requirements is that the coordinator applying for the grant must be a company.

    Més informació "Two projects involving the IMIM selected in the Spanish Innovation Agency's Challenge-Collaboration call"

  • 29/06/2020 - General information

    Chemotargets one of the top-20 Spanish biotech companies to watch according to the technology magazine of the Financial Times

    This month Sifted, the technology magazine of the Financial Times, has contacted various experts in the technology industry and in analyzing data on investments, has concluded that the Spanish entrepreneurial ecosystem has high quality healthtech startups, ranging from drug discovery to novel virtual reality therapies. In its latest edition, Sifted has published a list of the top healthcare start-ups in Spain, including Chemotargets, the IMIM's spin-off founded in 2006 by Dr. Jordi Mestres, coordinator of the Systems Pharmacology research group at IMIM. Chemotargets is a company that offers state-of-the-art methodologies with predictive capabilities that allow the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry to accelerate the design and optimization of drug candidates and improve cost efficiency and safety. Its CLARITY® platform covers the entire field of drug discovery and development, from the de novo design of molecules for new targets to pharmacovigilance in the drug market stage.

    Més informació "Chemotargets one of the top-20 Spanish biotech companies to watch according to the technology magazine of the Financial Times"

  • 25/06/2020 - General information

    IMIM participates in the Disc4All Project, an innovative training network of the European Commission

    Dr. Ferran Sanz, Dra. Laura Furlong and Dr. Baldo Oliva of the IMIM Biomedical Informatics Research Program, participate in the Disc4All project: Training network to advance integrated computational simulations in translational medicine, applied to intervertebral disc degeneration, coordinated by Jérôme Noailly, principal investigator in the Biomechanics and Mechanobiology research area at BCN MedTech of UPF. It  is one of the ten selected projects in Catalonia as an Innovative Training Network (ITN) Marie Sklodowska-Curie, in the European Commission's ITN MSC Actions call. The European innovative training networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of researchers in their early stages who are creative, enterprising and innovative, capable of dealing with the challenges of the future and turn knowledge and ideas into products and services with an economic and a social benefit.

    Més informació "IMIM participates in the Disc4All Project, an innovative training network of the European Commission"

  • 16/06/2020 - General information

    Companion animals have been an important source of emotional support during lockdown

    A study conducted by researchers from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and the Affinity Foundation Chair at the UAB has concluded that companion animals have been an important source of emotional support for people during confinement. This benefit was greater the more the person has suffered from the confinement. The study also found that lockdown can have negative consequences for the animals. Specifically, dogs have shown more signs of nervousness and frustration, and may have trouble adjusting to their usual routine after confinement. Cats may have been exposed to excessive handling by the people they live with, which can lead to stress and­­ adaptation problems. In short, as people we still do not really understand the language of our animals, and we have not translated their real needs adequately.

    Més informació "Companion animals have been an important source of emotional support during lockdown"

  • 15/06/2020 - Covid-19

    MARBiobanc makes more than 2000 samples from patients with COVID-19 available for research

    The MARBiobanc of the PSMAR has so far collected more than 2000 samples from 623 COVID-19 patients. In addition, it has follow-up samples -obtained at different times of the clinical evolution of the disease- from 40% of the cases. These samples are difficult to obtain and provide new opportunities for research projects linked to patient evolution (prognosis, biomarkers of evolution, sequelae, etc.). It should be noted that all the samples were collected in strict compliance with the ethical and legal standards set out in the Biomedical Research Act. MARBiobanc pioneered the systematic collection of COVID-19 samples, starting on April 1, thanks to its close coordination with the clinical services at Hospital del Mar and its collaboration with the Catalan Reference Laboratory, which is a node integrated into MARBiobanc.

    Més informació "MARBiobanc makes more than 2000 samples from patients with COVID-19 available for research"

  • 15/06/2020 - Covid-19

    MARBiobanc makes more than 2000 samples from patients with COVID-19 available for research

    Més informació "MARBiobanc makes more than 2000 samples from patients with COVID-19 available for research"

  • 10/06/2020 - Covid-19

    The boys and girls of La Maquinista School help in the fight against COVID-19

    On June 8, the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) received a very special donation from the P5 infants' class at La Maquinista School, to help in the fight against COVID-19. For 9 years, the children of the La Maquinista School, from class P4 infants upwards, have dedicated the last term of the school year to setting up a company based on the Catalan cooperative model. It is the students themselves, in collaboration with the teaching team, who become partners in the cooperative, define the objectives of the company, set it up, design the products, manufacture them and sell them at a Solidarity Trade Fair organised by the school. This whole process is carried out in a democratic way and decisions are taken in assemblies. This year, despite the situation we are experiencing, they have managed to develop their project in online sessions with the teachers, working from home. They set up a company dedicated to manufacturing toys and origami, called JOCLÀNDIA.

    Més informació "The boys and girls of La Maquinista School help in the fight against COVID-19"

  • 10/06/2020 - General information

    Dr. Marta Torrens, the only Spanish author involved in the United Nations and World Health Organisation guide to treating drug addiction

    The Director of the Addictions Process Group within the Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Addictions at the Hospital del Mar (INAD) and a researcher at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) has participated in the drafting of this document, which analyses the different treatments and establishes the standards of use for the entire world. The guide was presented in March at the 63rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs 2020, held at the United Nations Office in Vienna. In March, the United Nations, through its Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the World Health Organisation (WHO), jointly approved the first International standards for the treatment of drug use disorders. This document was written with the assistance of leading experts in this field, including Dr. Marta Torrens, Director of the Addictions Process Group at INAD and coordinator of the Addictions Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM). Dr. Torrens is the only author from Spain.

    Més informació "Dr. Marta Torrens, the only Spanish author involved in the United Nations and World Health Organisation guide to treating drug addiction"

  • 05/06/2020 - Press release

    Dr. Clara Montagut, awarded a I CRIS Programme of Excellence in Cancer Research

    Detecting the best research talents and providing these people with financial, structural and stability means advancing in cancer care via translational research projects that improve treatment and diagnosis through innovation with clinical application. This is the ambitious goal of the innovative and cutting-edge I CRIS Research Programmes promoted by CRIS against cancer, which have already received their first awards thanks to a meticulous evaluation and selection process led by a prestigious committee of international experts. Over the next five years, the three winning projects will focus on colorectal cancer (the second-ranked cancer in terms of deaths) prostate cancer (diagnosed in 1.3 million people each year), and immunotherapy, a highly innovative type of treatment that is changing the outlook of many cancers. "Research is our life and only through research are we going to find a cure for cancer. With the CRIS Research Programmes we want to detect the best research talent and provide these people with financial and work-related peace of mind. We want to discover and support the Nobel Prize winners of tomorrow and these first CRIS Programmes are just the beginning. In the next edition we will double the number of winners, underlining our commitment to research in spite of the current situation we are experiencing",explains Diego Megía, president of CRIS against cancer.

    Més informació "Dr. Clara Montagut, awarded a I CRIS Programme of Excellence in Cancer Research"


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