Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


  • 18/11/2020 - Institutional news

    Jordi Alonso, Montse Fitó, Joaquim Bellmunt and Margarita Triguero-Mas among the most cited scientists in the world

    Jordi Alonso, director of the Epidemiology and Public Health Programme, Montse Fitó, coordinator of the Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition research group, Joaquim Bellmunt, a researcher in the Cancer Molecular Therapy research group and Margarita Triguero-Mas, researcher in the Healthy cities and environmental justice (UAB-IMIM) appear on the list of the world's most cited scientists published by Clarivate Analytics, a company that provides services in research, patents and other areas related to innovation. This annual list identifies researchers who have displayed significant influence in their chosen research field(s) through the publication of numerous highly cited articles over the past decade. Their names are drawn from publications that are in the top 1% for citations by field and year of publication in the Web of Science citation index.

    Més informació "Jordi Alonso, Montse Fitó, Joaquim Bellmunt and Margarita Triguero-Mas among the most cited scientists in the world"

  • 17/11/2020 - Press release

    Nutritional parameters of lung cancer and COPD patients could predict their 10-year survival rate

    Nutritional parameters such as body mass index and tests including albumin and total protein levels quantified prior to lung cancer surgery in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) predict their 10 year survival, regardless of tumour-related factors and/or chest surgery. This is reflected in the work of researchers from the CIBER of Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES) and doctors and researchers from the Hospital del Mar Pneumology Service and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute research group on muscle wasting and cachexia in chronic respiratory diseases and lung cancer (IMIM-Hospital del Mar), published in the journal of the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR)  Archivos de Bronconeumología. The researchers studied the nutritional status of lung cancer and COPD patients who required surgery and the relationship of this with post-operative survival.  To do this, they analysed the nutritional status of 125 patients from Hospital del Mar, 87 of whom had COPD and lung cancer and 38 of whom had cancer but no COPD, before they underwent chest surgery. The patients were monitored for 10 years in order to study their differential survival rates according to the presence or absence of COPD.

    Més informació "Nutritional parameters of lung cancer and COPD patients could predict their 10-year survival rate"

  • 12/11/2020 - Covid-19

    Comprehensive care model applied to prevent deterioration in older adults suffering COVID-19

    Offering comprehensive and multidisciplinary care to frail older patients admitted for COVID-19 makes it possible to reduce the impact hospitalisation and isolation have on their functional capacity. This has been demonstrated in a study by doctors and nurses at Hospital del Mar, which validates the usefulness of this comprehensive care model, ACE (Acute Care for Elders). The work has been published in the magazine Geriatric Nursing. The study followed 51 patients admitted during the first wave of COVID-19 to the Dr. Emili Mira Centre, a facility at the Mar Health Park that specialises in the care of psychiatric diseases and geriatric patients. The functional deterioration that appears in older adults during a hospital stay for acute illness (30-80% of geriatric patients admitted to hospital suffer a reduction in their capacities as a result of a hospital stay), is even more important in the case of COVID-19 because of the restrictions applied to the isolation units. To avoid this situation, a comprehensive care model, ACE, was implemented.

    Més informació "Comprehensive care model applied to prevent deterioration in older adults suffering COVID-19"

  • 10/11/2020 - General information

    The Spanish Society of Biological Psychiatry appoints Dr. Víctor Pérez as its President

    The director of the Neuropsychiatry and Addictions Institute at Hospital del Mar and coordinator of the Mental Health Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute will be the president of the organisation for the next four years. Up to now, he has been the Vice-president of the society. Dr. Víctor Pérez, Director of the Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Addictions (INAD) at Hospital del Mar, will be the President of the Spanish Society of Biological Psychiatry (Sociedad Española de Psiquiatría Biológica; SEPB) for the next four years. He was elected at the society's Ordinary General Assembly, held virtually on 29 October.

    Més informació "The Spanish Society of Biological Psychiatry appoints Dr. Víctor Pérez as its President"

  • 06/11/2020 - General information

    Movember: researching how to improve quality of life after prostate cancer

    Each November, the Movember Foundation encourages men from all over the world to grow a moustache to raise awareness and funds for men's health research. The Health Services Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) is the Spanish coordinator for an international initiative funded by this foundation since 2017. The project, entitled "TrueNTH Global Registry- Prostate Cancer Outcomes", focuses on men diagnosed with localised prostate cancer and has the overarching aim of significantly improving the quality of care, and to leverage existing infrastructures and relationships to build success in this research area. During the last four years, nine countries have prospectively collected data from patients to create a joint dataset, expected to include information of more than10,000 patients. As part of this international registry, 25 Spanish sites are monitoring almost 700 patients so far.

    Més informació "Movember: researching how to improve quality of life after prostate cancer"

  • 05/11/2020 - General information

    The European Commission awards a six million euro grant to a project led by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute

    The ICOD (Improving Cognition in Down Syndrome) project is being coordinated by the Integrated Pharmacology and Systems Neuroscience Research Group, led by Dr. Rafael de la Torre. It will trial a new therapy to treat cognitive deficits in Down Syndrome sufferers. Six institutions from Spain, France and Italy are taking part. A project led by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), has received a six million euro development grant from the European Commission. The Improving Cognition in Down Syndrome (ICOD) project was one of 75 projects selected within the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Only nine projects coordinated by Catalan organisations will benefit from these grants, in the last year they are being awarded.

    Més informació "The European Commission awards a six million euro grant to a project led by the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute"

  • 03/11/2020 - Covid-19

    Some of the principal treatments for osteoporosis could reduce the incidence of COVID-19

    Some of the principal treatments for osteoporosis, denosumab, zoledronate and calcium, could have a protective effect against COVID-19 in patients who take them, specifically a 30 to 40% reduction in the rate of infection, according to the results of a joint study by Hospital del Mar, the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), Pompeu Fabra University and the Pere Virgili Health Park. The study, the first of its kind in the world, has just been published the journal Aging. The last author of the study, Dr. Jordi Monfort, head of Rheumatology at Hospital del Mar and coordinator of the Cell Research on Inflammation and Cartilage research group at Hospital del Mar-IMIM, explains that "there are indications to allow hypothesizing that certain drugs used to treat rheumatic diseases could interfere positively in the natural history of COVID-19, either by decreasing its incidence or by decreasing its progression to more serious cases". The study analysed data from more than 2,000 patients with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia and their relationship with COVID-19 infection who are being followed up at Hospital del Mar and in the Mar Health Park healthcare sphere of influence.

    Més informació "Some of the principal treatments for osteoporosis could reduce the incidence of COVID-19"

  • 29/10/2020 - Press release

    Spanish Association Against Cancer funds research project from Hospital del Mar-IMIM, INCLIVA and VHIO on the involvement of the tumour microenvironment in colon cancer

    The Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), together with the INCLIVA Health Research Institute, from Hospital Clínic in Valencia, and the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology, have obtained funding from the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) for their project entitled Factors derived from the tumoral microenvironment in localised colon cancer: clinical impact and therapeutic implications.  Dr. Clara Montagut, head of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Unit in the Medical Oncology Service at Hospital del Mar, coordinator of the Clinical and Translational Research Group on new therapies and biomarkers in colon and rectal cancer at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and a participant in the study, points out that "The goal of this research is to identify markers that will help us determine whether the cancer will re-emerge in a patient who has undergone colon cancer surgery. This is extremely important for people who have colon cancer, since at present we are unable to predict whether the tumour will reappear or not after surgery.

    Més informació "Spanish Association Against Cancer funds research project from Hospital del Mar-IMIM, INCLIVA and VHIO on the involvement of the tumour microenvironment in colon cancer"

  • 27/10/2020 - Press release

    A study has demonstrated that omega-3 rich foods improve post-heart attack prognosis

    A team of researchers from the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital and Research Institute (IGTP) and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) has shown that regularly consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, from both animal and vegetable origins, strengthens the heart's membranes and helps improve the prognosis in the event of a myocardial infarction. To arrive at these conclusions, they used data from 950 patients. The omega-3 levels in the blood of these individuals were determined when they were admitted to hospital to be treated for the heart attack. This measurement indicates, very accurately, how much of these fats the patients had eaten in the weeks prior to the sampling, in other words, before the heart attack. The patients were monitored for three years after being discharged, and the researchers observed that having high levels of omega-3 in the blood at the time of the infarction, which had been consumed in the weeks leading up to the heart attack, was associated with a lower risk of complications. The results of the study have just been published in the prestigious Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

    Més informació "A study has demonstrated that omega-3 rich foods improve post-heart attack prognosis"

  • 17/10/2020 - General information

    Open Day at the PRBB - From 26th to 31st October

    The PRBB and its centres are preparing the next edition of the Open Day. As always, we will be holding our science outreach party for the whole family in October, organised with the support of the park's volunteers. But everything else will be different! The current situation means we are unable to organise a face-to-face celebration, so on this occasion our Open Day events will be 100% virtual. And we have a week full of activities to enjoy from home, with your family and friends or at your educational centre.

    Més informació "Open Day at the PRBB - From 26th to 31st October"


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