Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


  • 13/04/2021 - General information

    Dr. Clara Montagut joins the faculty of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)

    The head of the Digestive Oncology section in the Medical Oncology Service at Hospital del Mar is taking on this new role in the ESMO Faculty until 2025. From now on, she will be part of the group of experts who collaborate with the organisation to fulfil its educational responsibilities. Dr. Clara Montagut is now a member of the ESMO Faculty, the teaching body of the European Society of Medical Oncology, specifically in the gastrointestinal, colon and rectal tumours group. The head of Digestive Oncology at Hospital del Mar and the clinical and translational research group laboratory for new therapies and biomarkers in colon and rectal cancer at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), will form part of the group of experts from the organisation who offer advice and support to help the society fulfil its educational responsibilities.

    Més informació "Dr. Clara Montagut joins the faculty of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)"

  • 12/03/2021 - General information

    Recognition of Dr. Marta Torrens for her contribution to research on addictions in Europe

    The head of Addictions Process at the Hospital del Mar Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Addictions (INAD) and coordinator of the Addictions research group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute has been recognised for her contribution to addictions research in Europe. Dr. Marta Torrens has be honoured with the EUFAS EAR 2020 Award, presented by theEuropean Federation of Addiction Societies and the journal European Addiction Research. This award recognises the work of the head of the INAD Addiction Process in terms of European research into addictions. The award has been presented since 2016 to figures who are outstanding in the field of addiction research. The awarding committee considered that the work of Dr. Torrens, with more than 200 high quality articles published in international journals, has made a substantial contribution to the advancement of translational research in this field, and has been instrumental in the introduction of various tools and scales for diagnosing and assessing dual pathology

    Més informació "Recognition of Dr. Marta Torrens for her contribution to research on addictions in Europe"

  • 08/04/2021 - Press release

    Model developed for predicting long-term breast cancer risk in women participating in screening programmes

    Doctors and researchers at Hospital del Mar and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) have developed and validated a new risk model for breast cancer screening, based on four variables. This is the first time that it has been possible to predict the risk of developing this pathology in the long term, up to twenty years. The study, which has just been published in the journal PLOS ONE, examined data from almost 122,000 women who received a screening mammogram at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau between 1995 and 2015. This study is a continuation of the population-based breast cancer screening research led by Dr. Xavier Castells, head of the Epidemiology and Evaluation Service at Hospital del Mar.

    Més informació "Model developed for predicting long-term breast cancer risk in women participating in screening programmes"

  • 21/03/2021 - General information

    We are supporting World Down Syndrome Day through the campaign “21 reasons to collaborate with science”. Can you help us spread the word?

    March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day and we are joining in by launching the "21 reasons to collaborate with science" campaign. The goal is to promote clinical research into people with Down's syndrome, to encourage them to get involved in the clinical studies that are currently being carried out and, in this way, to help improve the health and quality of life of these people. Through the 21 reasons campaign, the team of Dr. Rafael de la Torre, director of the Neurosciences research programme at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, wants to raise awareness and encourage people with Down syndrome to get involved in the studies they are conducting. According to Dr. de la Torre, "The therapeutic approach to these people, given their genetic features, has been quite specific, and the more knowledge we have, the more we will be able to adjust the therapy to their needs. Certain medical practices should also be studied in individuals with this syndrome."

    Més informació "We are supporting World Down Syndrome Day through the campaign “21 reasons to collaborate with science”. Can you help us spread the word?"

  • 21/03/2021 - General information

    The ICOD project is ready to start

    Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal abnormality in children leading to lifelong intellectual disability. Over one million people in the EU and US have DS, and its prevalence has increased in the last ten years. Thanks to significant advances in medical and social care, the life expectancy of individuals with DS has increased greatly, so that many of them reach even the age of 60-70. DS causes lifelong cognitive dysfunction, which results in important negative consequences for these individuals, their families and society. Despite the heavier social burden and the greater medical needs linked to this intellectual disability, there isn't an approved therapy for DS-related cognitive dysfunction yet. Furthermore, though there are specific cognitive screening tests designed for individuals with DS, no official guidelines have been developed to assess their cognitive deficits or their impact on quality of life of DS individuals and their families.

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  • 10/03/2021 - Covid-19

    The MINDCOVID project launches website

    MINDCOVID, a project led by the Research Group on Health Services of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) presents its new website. It is a statewide project, in which more than 20 research groups from 6 autonomous communities collaborate, and its objective is to study the mental health of healthcare workers and other essential groups, as well as in patients with COVID-19 and also in a sample of the Spanish general population. MINDCOVID aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the impact on mental health of the current outbreak of COVID-19 in Spain, and to be a follow-up project to monitor mental health changes over time in the groups studied. On the project's website you will find all the necessary information about the project, the team of professionals and researchers who collaborate with it, as well as information on the latest publications, questionnaires, reports, documentation on the protocol and the latest news and advances in research being conducted.

    Més informació "The MINDCOVID project launches website"

  • 09/03/2021 - Press release

    The benefits of the Mediterranean diet pass on to the families of patients who follow it

    People living with a patient undergoing an intensive weight loss treatment also benefit from this therapy. This has been demonstrated by a team of researchers from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) along with doctors from Hospital del Mar and the CIBER on the Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERObn), in collaboration with IDIAPJGol, the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV), IDIBELL, IDIBAPS and the Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital. The study has been published in the journal International Journal of Obesity. The study analysed data from 148 family members of patients included in the weight loss and lifestyle programme PREDIMED-Plus (PREVencióDIetaMEDiterranea Plus) over a two-year period. The researchers analysed whether these people also indirectly benefited from the programme, as they were not enrolled in the study and did not receive any direct treatment.

    Més informació "The benefits of the Mediterranean diet pass on to the families of patients who follow it"

  • 04/03/2021 - Covid-19

    Administering zinc to covid-19 patients could help towards their recovery

    Administering zinc supplements to covid-19 patients with low levels of this element may be a strategy to reduce mortality and recovery time. At the same time, it could help to prevent risk groups, like the elderly, from suffering the worst effects of the disease. These are the findings of a study by physicians and researchers from the Hospital del Mar, Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), led by Dr. Robert Güerri, a physician at the Infectious Diseases Service of Hospital del Mar, which has just been published in the journal Nutrients. The study analysed the zinc levels of 249 adult patients treated at the centre between 9 March and 1 April 2020, with an average age of 65 years. The most common symptoms presented at the time of admission were fever, cough and dyspnea.

    Més informació "Administering zinc to covid-19 patients could help towards their recovery"

  • 26/02/2021 - Press release

    Not all “good” cholesterol is healthy

    HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) or good cholesterol is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease as it transports cholesterol deposited in the arteries to the liver to be eliminated. This contrasts with the so-called bad cholesterol, LDL (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), which causes cholesterol to accumulate in the arteries and increases cardiovascular risk. Although drugs that lower bad cholesterol reduce cardiovascular risk, those that raise good cholesterol have not proven effective in reducing the risk of heart disease. This paradox has called into question the relationship between good cholesterol and cardiovascular risk, and researchers are now studying the characteristics of these HDL or good cholesterol particles. 

    Més informació "Not all “good” cholesterol is healthy"

  • 18/02/2021 - Covid-19

    Immunoglobulin clinical trial launched to prevent COVID-19 side effects

    The Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), Hospital del Mar, the University of California-Davis and the University of Texas have launched a clinical trial to analyse how useful a food supplement can be for preventing the worst side effects of COVID-19. The study is looking at bovine-derived immunoglobulins, which have been shown in animal models to reduce the inflammation caused by infection, progression to more severe forms of the disease, and post-COVID syndrome. The first patients participating in the Randomized Open-Label Clinical Study Evaluating the Impact of EnteraGam, a Nutritional Intervention containing Bovine Plasma-Derived Immunoglobulin CoNcentrate, on Clinical Outcomes In People with COVID19 (PICNIC Study) are already taking two daily doses of this supplement. Dr Robert Güerri, principal investigator in the trial, member of the Infectious Pathology and Antimicrobial Research Group at the IMIM-Hospital del Mar, and section head of the Infectious Diseases Service at Hospital del Mar, explains that "The aim of the treatment is to sequester and help eliminate the virus from one of its main reservoirs in the body, the gut."

    Més informació "Immunoglobulin clinical trial launched to prevent COVID-19 side effects"


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