07/09/2023 - Covid-19
Overall, health has worsened across the population, especially regarding anxiety and depression, as well as pain and discomfort. But the effects of the pandemic have hit educated women especially hard, narrowing their health disparities with population groups with a lower education after initial home confinement. The researchers attribute this development to the negative effect of teleworking on the health of people who worked from home and had to care for family members. At the same time, there may have been a positive effect of government measures to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic among more disadvantaged groups. The work is part of the MINDCOVID project, and was based on telephone interview surveys of 2,000 people. It is published in the International Journal for Equity in Health.
Més informació "COVID-19 has reduced health inequalities in Spain"
17/08/2023 - Press release
This is highlighted in a study published in Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews, sponsored by the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Hospital del Mar and the Hospital del Mar Research Institute. The paper highlights the role of glycans, the sugars that envelop one of the most common blood antiglycans, immunoglobulin G. Depending on their combination, patients' prognosis changes and they are more likely to present microvascular complications, such as nephropathy, or macrovascular, such as cardiac problems. This environment can be modified by changes in lifestyle and diet. This fact makes it a potential therapeutic target.
10/08/2023 - Press release
A team from the Hospital del Mar Research Institute has, for the first time, detected fetal DNA in the olfactory neuroepithelium of women who have given birth to a boy. A new study will now be launched, which will also analyze female fetal DNA. The team of researchers has been able to confirm that women with depression had much lower levels of cells from newborns than those who were not suffering from this disorder. This discovery paves the way to studying the DNA exchange between the mother and the fetus during pregnancy as a factor that protects women against depression, as well as its relationship with other psychiatric disorders.
8/08/2023 - Institutional news
Eight projects led by researchers from the institute have been selected in this call. They will analyze diverse aspects, from fighting cancer to neuronal organization and the training needs of the new generations of nurses. The Hospital del Mar Research Institute will receive 2,148,000 euros from the State Agency of Investigation to develop eight research projects. Six of these initiatives include a pre-doctoral contract. In the field of oncology research, Dr. Anna Bigas, coordinator of the Stem Cells and Cancer Research Group, leads the project 'Models for the Study of Hematopoietic and Leukemic Stem Cells in Latent State (DormHSC)', which will receive over half a million euros. The objective is to advance the understanding of the latency state of hematopoietic stem cells through four different experimental models to lay the foundation for strategies to combat treatment-resistant cancer populations.
28/07/2023 - Press release
Cannabis use disorder (CUD) affects over 14 million individuals in the US.? Despite the urgent need, there are no FDA-approved medications to treat CUD; behavioral treatments have shown limited benefit. AEF0117 is the first of a new pharmacologic class, type 1 cannabinoid receptor signaling-specific inhibitors (CB1-SSi), with a unique mechanism of action and greater safety and efficacy than prior generations of CB1 inhibitors.? In a phase 2a clinical study in volunteers with CUD, AEF0117 produced statistically significant reductions in the positive subjective and reinforcing effects of smoked cannabis.
14/07/2023 - Press release
The prevalence of childhood obesity is higher among male participants (14.9%) and in the population aged 8 to 12 years (15.6%). It is confirmed once again that the childhood obesity epidemic in Spain presents a socioeconomic gradient: children enrolled in schools with a lower average income per person have a higher level of obesity. The Gasol Foundation study, carried out with the support of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, shows a deterioration in eating habits, use of screens, hours of sleep, physical activity, emotional well-being and quality of life among children aged 8 to 16 years in Spain.
11/07/2023 - General information
The Tatiana Foundation Prize for Young Researchers, awarded by the Spanish Society of Neurosciences, aims to identify and support the future leaders of Spanish neuroscience research. Valero, coordinator of the Neural Computation Laboratory at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, has made extraordinary discoveries that have changed the way neuroscientists think about how local neural microcircuits represent spatial information. The award will be presented next September at the XI World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) to be held in Granada and organized by the Spanish Society of Neurosciences.
29/06/2023 - General information
The project, jointly coordinated by UPF professor Ferran Sanz, has enjoyed the participation of numerous members of the GRIB; the UPF research programme in Medical Bioinformatics and the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, as well as the spinoff Med Bioinformatics Solutions, which emerged from the same programme. eTRANSAFE, the European project to share data on the safety of medicines, has come to fruition. On a single platform, the project has integrated data from more than 10,000 pharmacological studies by reference pharmaceutical companies, from a dozen databases that amass public and private information of clinical and preclinical studies. The project has also developed 'Flame', an open-source machine learning application that allows predicting whether future drugs will have adverse effects.
Més informació "Culmination of the eTRANSAFE project to share data on the safety of medicines"
28/06/2023 - General information
The Mutua Madrileña Foundation has awarded its XX Health Research Grants, worth 2.3 million euros, to 26 clinical studies that will be carried out in hospitals throughout Spain. Six of these research projects will be carried out in Barcelona in the areas of cancer immunotherapy, rare childhood diseases, infant and juvenile mental health and transplantation, and together receive funding of more than 680,000 euros. From the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, Doctor Joaquín Arribas, will carry out a study in the field of immunotherapy in cancer. Specifically, it will perform a prospective analysis of biopsies obtained in a phase 1 clinical trial of dose increase using CAR-t Her 2 biospecific cells in patients with advanced solid tumors positive for P95HER2.
21/06/2023 - Press release
The Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer and Stem Cell Research Group of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute is the only center in Spain to participate in an international study that validates the deficiency of a protein, IκBα, as a marker of poor prognosis in this type of tumor The work, published in Cell Reports Medicine, has analyzed data from more than 2,000 patients. In addition, the researchers have identified one of the pathways on which this protein acts, which makes it a possible therapeutic target The Hospital del Mar Research Institute group is already working on a model to search for possible treatments that modulate the function of this marker. It should be considered that at present there are very few therapeutic alternatives for glioma, which has a very high mortality rate
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