Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



"Melatonin contributes to the seasonality of Multiple Sclerosis relapses" a càrrec de Mauricio F Farez

Sala Xipre (173.06) de l'IMIM a les 11:00 h

En el marc de les sessions del Programa de procesos inflamatoris i cardiovasculars de l'IMIM, el proper dia 9 d'octubre a les 11:00 h tindrà lloc a la Sala Xipre, la sessió organitzada pel grup de recerca en Biología de les cèl·lules B que porta per títol "Melatonin contributes to the seasonality of Multiple Sclerosis relapses" a càrrec del Dr. Mauricio F Farez, director del Center for Research on Neuroimmunological Diseases (CIEN) i investigador associat en Neurología del Institute for Neurological Research Dr. Raúl Carrea (FLENI) a Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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Mauricio F Farez is the Director of the Center For Research on Neuroimmunological Diseases (CIEN) and an Associate Researcher in Neurology at the Institute for Neurological Research Dr. Raúl Carrea (FLENI) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he studies the immunological mechanisms involved in the development of Multiple Sclerosis. Mauricio received his M.D. degree with honors in 2006 and continued his training as a Research Fellow in Dr. Howard Weiner’s laboratory at Harvard Medical School followed by a Master of Public Health at Harvard School of Public Health. He has received several awards including the Bruce S. Schoenberg International Award in Neuroepidemiology of the American Academy of Neurology, the Investigator Award by the Allende Foundation and the Young Investigation award of the Argentinean Multiple Sclerosis Society. He is coauthor of 34 papers in international peer reviewed journals and has contributed to several book chapters.

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