Sala Marie Curie (pati interior PRBB) a les 12:00h
En el marc de les sessions del Programa de neurociències, el proper dimecres 31 d'agost a les 12:00 hores tindrà lloc a la Sala Marie Curie (pati interior del PRBB) la sessió que porta per títol "From Exploration to Fixation: Towards a Unified Theory of Saccadic Function" impartida per la Dra Susana Martínez Conde, directora del Laboratory of Integrative Neuroscience de la State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center.
Resum en anglès
Most of our visual experience is driven by the eye movements we produce while we fixate our gaze. In a sense, our visual system thus has a built-in contradiction: when we direct our gaze at an object of interest, our eyes are never still. Therefore the perception, physiology, and computational modeling of fixational eye movements is critical to our understanding of vision in general, and also to the understanding of the neural computations that work to overcome neural adaptation in normal subjects as well as in clinical patients. Moreover, because we are not aware of our fixational eye movements, they can also help us understand the underpinnings of visual awareness. Over the last decade, the Martínez-Conde laboratory has studied the neuronal and perceptual correlates of fixational eye movements. They have moreover begun to study the importance of fixational eye movements for visual perception in normal vision and in visual disease. The Martínez-Conde laboratory is a main organizer of the prestigious Best Illusion of the Year Contest.
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