Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



"Development and regeneration of hair cells in the inner ear: Get this weight off my shoulders!" a càrrec de Fernando Giráldez

Sala Charles Darwin (PRBB) a les 12:00 hores

En el marc de les sessions del Programa de neurociències, el proper divendres dia 5 de desembre a les 12:00 hores tindrà lloc a la Sala Charles Darwin (Pati interior del PRBB) la sessió que porta per títol "Development and regeneration of hair cells in the inner ear: Get this weight off my shoulders!" impartida pel Dr. Fernando Giráldez, cap del Grup de recerca en Biologia del Desenvolupament del Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut de la UPF.

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Research lines and projects

Dr. Fernando Giráldez is a Group leader in the Develmental Biology Group, CEXS-Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (PRBB). His current work funded by Spanish MICINN. Specific areas of research: Neuroscience and Developmental Biology. Sensory development and regeneration Current projects study the properties of otic progenitors, and the initial steps in the generation of auditory neurones and sensory hair cells. Cell-communication and intrinsic factors governing cell fate decisions are studied combining genetic, molecular and embryological techniques.

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