Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



High Field Magnetic Resonance Techniques Applied to Experimental Neuroscience

IMIM, Sala Xipre (173.06) a les 12:00 hores

En el marc de les sessions del Programa de neurociències, el proper divendres dia 21 de febrer a les 12:00 hores tindrà lloc a la Sala Xipre (1a planta de l'IMIM) la sessió que porta per títol "High Field Magnetic Resonance Techniques Applied to Experimental Neuroscience" impartida per Guadalupe Soria, cap the la 7T Experimental Magnetic Resonance Imaging Core Facility a l'IDIBAPS.

Us adjuntem més informació en anglès:

This core facility provides services related to experimental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for researchers from IDIBAPS and other institutions, and for industries connected with health. It implements first-rate research mainly on small animal models using structural and functional MRI, magnetic resonance spectroscopy and other types of cutting-edge techniques such as brain connectomics. The unit facilitates the image processing and analysis. Finally, it also provides basic research training programs for clinical research personnel interested in establishing translational studies.

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