Xipre room 12h
Us convidem al pròxim seminari del servei d'Epidemiologia i Salut Pública de l'Hospital del Mar Research Institute que tindrà lloc el pròxim dijous 16 de gener a les 12 h a la Sala Rita Levi. El títol serà "Unravelling shared and non-shared inflammatory signatures of health-to-disease transition: a proteomic approach" i anirà a càrrec de Solange González Chiappe, MD, PhD Treballant com a postdoctoranda al Max Delbrück Center de Berlín, Alemanya. Després de treballar com a especialista en medicina interna, va dedicar deu anys a França i Suïssa a estudiar l'epidemiologia de les malalties autoimmunes. Actualment, està estudiant biomarcadors inflamatoris en la transició de la salut a les malalties cròniques.
We invite you to the next joint seminar of the Epidemiology and Public Health of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute that will take place next Thursday January 16 at 12 h in the Rita Levi Room. The title will be "Unravelling shared and non-shared inflammatory signatures of health-to-disease transition: a proteomic approach" and will be given by Solange González Chiappe, MD, PhD working as a post-doc at Max Delbrück Center in Berlin, Germany. After working as an internal medicine specialist, she worked for ten years in France and Switzerland on auto-immune disease epidemiology. She is now studying inflammatory biomarkers in health-to-chronic disease transition.
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