Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


  • 27/01/2022 - Press release

    New diagnostic marker for pancreatic cancer identified

    This is a new valid marker for diagnosing this type of tumour, one of the cancers with the worst prognosis. It is, in fact, the third leading cause of cancer death in developed countries. The study, published in the journal eBioMedicine, was led by researchers from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute and IBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS. Their results point to a protein present in tumour cells as an indicator of pancreatic cancer in early stages of the disease. This marker can be detected through a simple blood test, facilitating its application in clinical practice. A team of researchers from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) and IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS have identified a new viable early diagnostic marker for the most common type of pancreatic cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. The study has been published in the journal eBioMedicine, from The Lancet group, and may represent an important step in the early detection and treatment of this type of tumour, with one of the worst prognoses. Doctors and researchers from the Digestology and Medical Oncology Departments at Hospital del Mar, as well as from the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas; CNIO), the Ramón y Cajal Institute for Health Research (Instituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria; IRYCIS) and CIBER also collaborated in the study.

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  • 26/01/2022 - General information

    Partial intraoperative radiotherapy in breast cancer, more highly rated by patients

    The technique achieves good results in terms of toxicity, the preservation of the physical appearance and patient ratings when used for partial breast irradiation compared to its use in combination with large doses of fractionated whole-breast irradiation. Patients with early-stage breast cancer more positively evaluate treatment with partial intraoperative radiotherapy of the breast than the approach that uses the same technique in combination with whole-breast irradiation divided into large doses. This is highlighted in a study published in the journal Clinical and Translational Oncology, led by the Radiation Oncology Service and the Functional Breast Pathology Unit at Hospital del Mar as well as researchers in the Radiation Oncology Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute.

    Més informació "Partial intraoperative radiotherapy in breast cancer, more highly rated by patients"

  • 20/01/2022 - Institutional news

    The European Board of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery appoints Dr. Manuel Pera as honorary member

    The head of the Gastrointestinal Surgery Section of the Surgery Service of the Hospital del Mar and coordinator of the Gastroesophageal Carcinogenesis Research Group of the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM-Hospital del Mar), thus becomes the only surgeon in the State to be an honorary member of this institution, in recognition of his career. Dr. Manuel Pera has become an honorary member of the European Board of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, within the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) at the proposal of the institution's examining committee. So far, among the more than forty professionals who have obtained the Board, only three other surgeons from the State have managed to become fellows of the entity. Dr. Pera is the first to do so as an honorary member.

    Més informació "The European Board of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery appoints Dr. Manuel Pera as honorary member"

  • 17/11/2021 - Press release

    Artificial intelligence for selecting the best lung cancer treatment

    Hospital del Mar, in collaboration with Roche, is working on a pioneering artificial intelligence tool to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with small cell lung cancer, one of the cancers with the worst outlook. Based on digitised images from patient biopsies and survival data, the aim is to test whether the tool can reliably predict the benefit of the various treatments. This would allow more effective selection of the most appropriate type of treatment. At a later stage, the aim is to evaluate the specific mutations present in each tumour and to analyse whether digital imaging is capable of predicting these. Hospital del Mar, in collaboration with Roche, has initiated the development of a pioneering artificial intelligence device to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of patients suffering small cell lung cancer. This is one of the lung cancers with the worst prognosis and having such a reliable tool will allow medical teams to determine the best treatment for each type of patient.

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  • 11/11/2021 - General information

    The Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) awards two grants to researchers at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute

    The AECC has awarded 186 grants in 2021, totalling approximately 20 million euros. Two of these will benefit IMIM researchers, Teresa Lobo, who is receiving a postdoctoral grant, and Arnau Sabater, who has been able to participate in the laboratory internship programme. The Spanish Association Against Cancer awarded its 2021 research grants at a ceremony held on 11 November at its headquarters in Barcelona. In total, 186 projects and nearly 20 million euros have been allocated with the aim of continuing progress into cancer research, focusing on the patient and further increasing cancer survival. In this edition, two researchers linked to the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) will benefit from the grants.

    Més informació "The Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) awards two grants to researchers at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute"

  • General information

    The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology awards two grants to Hospital del Mar and IMIM projects

    Two projects by staff from the Hospital del Mar and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) have been awarded funding by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology as part of its 2021 grants. The awards were presented on 13 October in Madrid and represent a new record for the organisation, with 44 scholarships and grants awarded with an endowment of nearly 1.4 million euros. All the money is earmarked for research and the training of medical professionals to improve the survival and quality of life of cancer patients.

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  • 05/11/2021 - General information

    A research project from the Surgery Department receives two grants: from the Catalan Society of Surgery and the Spanish Association of Coloproctology

    A study led by the Colon and Rectal Surgery Unit, part of the Surgery Service at Hospital del Mar, has received two research grants, one from the Catalan Society of Surgery during the inaugural ceremony of the academic year on 15 October; and another from the Spanish Association of Coloproctology, during the organisation's conference, held from 20 to 22 October. The funding goes towards a multicentre project entitled 'Determining proangiogenic proteins in serum as a prognostic factor for recurrence after curative colon cancer surgery', led by Dr. Marta Pascual, head of the Colon and Rectal Surgery Unit, and Dr. Clara Téllez, a resident in the same department, in collaboration with Dr. Xavier Mayol, a researcher in the Cancer Research Programme at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM-Hospital del Mar).

    Més informació "A research project from the Surgery Department receives two grants: from the Catalan Society of Surgery and the Spanish Association of Coloproctology"

  • 15/09/2021 - Institutional news

    A grant from the European Society of Medical Oncology to boost lung cancer research at Hospital del Mar-IMIM

    Dr. Pedro Rocha is one of the nine people to receive an award from the European Society of Medical Oncology. In his case, this means joining the lung cancer team at Hospital del Mar led by Dr. Edurne Arriola. He will also take part in the research being carried out by this team at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute in the field of small cell lung cancer. These ESMO Research Fellowship grants allow young doctors and researchers the opportunity to develop a research project in a European reference centre. As explained by Dr. Arriola, "The awarding of this grant establishes Hospital del Mar as a world-class centre of interest in the field of oncology." Dr. Rocha is currently working at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre at the University of Texas, in the United States.

    Més informació "A grant from the European Society of Medical Oncology to boost lung cancer research at Hospital del Mar-IMIM"

  • 12/08/2021 - Press release

    Way to avoid treatment resistance for one of the most aggressive breast cancers identified

    A study led by doctors and researchers from Hospital del Mar, the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), and CIBER Oncology (CIBERONC) has demonstrated the role a protein, neuregulin, plays in generating resistance to the most common treatment for HER2-positive breast cancer, one of the most aggressive types. The study, published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research, and in which leading Italian researchers Luca Gianni from the Fondazione Gianni Bonnadonna and Giampaolo Bianchini from the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele have collaborated, has identified that in patients with high levels of this protein, the success rate with the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab, the first-line drug, drops. Conversely, when combined with another monoclonal antibody, pertuzumab, the situation is reversed and full pathological response levels are restored.

    Més informació "Way to avoid treatment resistance for one of the most aggressive breast cancers identified"

  • 06/08/2021 - Press release

    $200,000 grant for lung cancer research at Hospital del Mar

    A Hospital del Mar project to determine new prognostic and predictive markers that could be beneficial in metastatic small cell lung cancer treatment, using genetic analysis techniques, has been awarded $200,000 from the Oncomine Clinical Research Grant programme, promoted by the US-based multinational biotech company Thermo Fisher Scientific, which supports research that enables advances in the field of molecular patient profiling, with the aim of improving clinical outcomes. The research was led by Dr. Edurne Arriola, head of the lung cancer section in the Medical Oncology Service and a researcher at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), and Dr. Beatriz Bellosillo, head of the Medical Oncology Service and also an IMIM researcher. To undertake the project, they will analyse samples from 300 patients with this pathology, collected over the last 10 years. The research will focus on evaluating the potential of the liquid biopsy technique, which can detect DNA from tumour cells in the blood, to monitor the disease and its evolution, as well as detecting potential biomarkers of treatment benefit and predictors of long-term prognosis.

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