Sala Xipre 12:00h
Us convidem al pròxim seminari de Neurociències de l'Hospital del Mar Research Institute que tindrà lloc el pròxim divendres 14 de juny a les 12 h a la Sala Xipre. El títol serà "Inspiring stories from leading Healthcare companies using 3D printing for final parts" i anirà a càrrec de Ayelen Fernandez, Global O&P Segment Manager. HP. i també de Ivo Torras, 3D Metals Strategy & Product Mgmt Director. HP
We invite you to the next seminar of Neurosciences of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute that will take place next Friday June 14 at 12 h in the Xipre Room. The title will be "Inspiring stories from leading Healthcare companies using 3D printing for final parts" and will be given by Ayelen Fernandez, Global O&P Segment Manager. HP. and by Ivo Torras, 3D Metals Strategy & Product Mgmt Director. HP
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