Perioperative Medicine and Pain

Research group

Group Leader

Lluís Gallart Gallego

We are clinical anesthesiologists who also perform clinical research. Our main topics are: (1) respiratory aspects of anesthesia, namely treatment of perioperative hypoxemia, effects of anesthestics on respiratory function and postoperative pulmonary complications; (2) blood saving strategies, focused to avoid blood transfusion; (3) neuroanaesthesia, mainly monitoring depth of anaesthesia and effects of anaesthetics during neuroanaesthesia; (4) clinical trials related to anaesthetic procedures; (5) pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropathic pain; (6) epidemiology and treatment of postoperative pain.


Lluís Aguilera Cuchillo (PhD Student)

Juan Carlos Álvarez García (Researcher)

Enriqueta Barrera Álvarez (Researcher)

Sílvia Bermejo Martínez (PhD Student)

Elvira Bisbe Vives (Researcher)

Christian Dürsteler Tatxe (Researcher)

Fernando Escolano Villén (Researcher)

Anna Mases Fernàndez (Researcher)

Lluís Molto Garcia (Researcher)

Antonio Montes Pérez (Researcher)

Francesc Xavier Santiveri Papiol (Researcher)

Maria Teresa Silva Costa Gómes (Researcher)

Jordi Vallés Esteve (Researcher)


Main Publications

• Hinarejos P, Capurro B, Santiveri X, Ortíz P, Leal J, Torres R, Sánchez-Soler JF, Monllau JC. Local infiltration analgesia adds no clinical benefit in pain control to peripheral nerve blocks after total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2016; 24(10): 3299-3305. IF 3.097. Q1.

• Meier J, Filipescu D, Kozek-Langenecker S, Llau Pitarch, Mallett S, Martus P, Matot I, ETPOS collaborators (...Bisbe E, Moltó L, Villar T...). Intraoperative transfusion practices in Europe. Br J Anaesth 2016; 116(2): 255-261. IF 5.616. Q1.

Ongoing Research Projects

• LIIRA - Efficacy Of Pregabalin In The Treatment Of Pancreatic Cancer Pain. A Randomized Controlled Double-Blind, Parallel Group Study


− From 2012 to 2017

− Principal investigator: Dürsteler Tatxe, Christian


• Prótesis de rodilla dolorosa. Relación entre la analgesia endógena y el dolor postquirúrgico persistente

− Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI12/01422)

− From 2013 to 2016

− Principal investigator: Dürsteler Tatxe, Christian

Clinical Trials Signed in 2016

• Estudio epidemiológico para estimar la prevalencia y evaluar la severidad, el abordaje y las estructuras organizativas empleadas para el manejo del dolor agudo postoperatorio tras cirugía mayor en pacientes ingresados en España (APOLO)

− Register: GRU-OPI-2015-01

− Principal investigator: Montes Pérez, Antonio


• Antonio Montes. "Genetic and Clinical Factors Associated with Chronic Postsurgical Pain after Hernia Repair, Hysterectomy and Thoracotomy. A Two-year Multicenter Cohort Study”. Premio Fundación Grünenthal a la Investgación en Dolor 2015. Salamanca, 28 January 2016.

• Antonio Montes, Gisela Roca, Sergi Sabaté, Jose Ignacio Lao, Arcadi Navarro, Jordi Cantillo, Jaume Canet and Grup d’Estudi GENDOLCAT. “Genetic and Clinical Factors Associated with Chronic Postsurgical Pain after Hernia Repair, Hysterectomy and Thoracotomy. A Two-year Multicenter Cohort Study”. Anesthesiology 2015;122(5):1123-41. XLIX Premio Raventós al mejor trabajo original sobre Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor publicado en revistas indexadas en el año 2015. Barcelona, 4 November 2016.

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08003 Barcelona

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