Core Facilities
Montserrat Torà Barnadas
(head of service)
Magdalena Arnal Segura
Laura Arregui Egido
Marta Bódalo Torruella
Xavier Duran Jordà
Montserrat Hidalgo Salgado
Sergi Mojal Garcia (until July 2016)
Piedad Navarro Moya
Lara Nonell Mazelón
Eulàlia Puigdecanet Riubugent
Eulàlia Puigmartí Pich
Rebeca Rueda Miret
Núria Somoza Abelló
Erica Torres Fernández
Yaris Sarriá
The Scientific and Technical Services (SCT) are a variety of services created with the objective of providing researchers with both scientific and technical support and the infrastructure necessary to carry out experimental research. Each service has a specific highly qualified staff responsible of daily functioning and scientific advisement under a SCT unique general manager that is in charge of coordination and organization.
The services offered are based on:
• Scientific consulting and advisement
• Common laboratories and experimental areas with specific legal and technical requirements
• Highly technological equipment for biomedical research
Services are organized under three main areas:
• Internal Services
• Common Areas and Laboratories
• Internal and External Services
Scientific and Technical Services have the Quality Management System Certification under ISO 9001:2008, from July 2014.
Besides using its Scientific and Technical Services (SCT), IMIM researchers can also have access to those belonging to the CRG and the UPF, located in the same building of the PRBB. These SCT add to and complement the services already available, covering fields such as Genomics, Proteomics, Cytometry and Microscopy.