Perioperative Medicine and Pain

 Research group

We are clinical anesthesiologists who also perform clinical research. Our main topics are: (1) respiratory aspects of anesthesia, namely treatment of perioperative hypoxemia, effects of anesthestics on respiratory function and postoperative pulmonary complications; (2) blood saving strategies, focused to avoid blood transfusion; (3) neuroanaesthesia, mainly monitoring depth of anaesthesia and effects of anaesthetics during neuroanaesthesia; (4) clinical trials related to anaesthetic procedures; (5) pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropathic pain; (6) epidemiology and treatment of postoperative pain.

Group Leader

Lluís Gallart Gallego


Lluís Aguilera Cuchillo (Researcher)

Juan Carlos Álvarez García (Researcher)

Sílvia Bermejo Martínez (Researcher)

Elvira Bisbe Vives (Researcher)

Christian Dürsteler Tatxe (Researcher)

Fernando Escolano Villén (Researcher)

Anna Mases Fernàndez (Researcher)

Lluís Molto Garcia (Researcher)

Antonio Montes Pérez (Researcher)

Francesc Xavier Santiveri Papiol (Researcher)

Maria Teresa Silva Costa Gómes (Researcher)

Jordi Vallés Esteve (Researcher)


Main Publications

• Montes A, Sabaté S, Roca G, Canet J. Preoperative Prediction of Chronic Postsurgical Pain after Thoracotomy: Need for Adequately Sized Population-based Samples. Anesthesiology 2018; 128(1): 224. IF 6.523. D1.

• Rodríguez A, Guilera N, Mases A, Sierra P, Oliva JC, Colilles C, REGISTRESTENTS group. Management of antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary stents undergoing noncardiac surgery: association with adverse events. Br J Anaesth 2018; 120(1): 67-76. IF 6.499. D1.

• Muñoz M, Acheson AG, Bisbe E, Butcher A, Gómez-Ramírez S, Khalafallah AA, Kehlet H, Kietaibl S, Liumbruno GM, Meybohm P, Rao Baikady R, Shander A, So-Osman C, Spahn DR, Klein AA. An international consensus statement on the management of postoperative anaemia after major surgical procedures. Anaesthesia 2018; 73(11): 1418-1431. IF 5.431. Q1.

• Meissner W, Huygen F, Neugebauer EAM, Osterbrink J, Benhamou D, Betteridge N, Coluzzi F, de Andrés J, Fawcett W, Fletcher D, Kalso E, Kehlet H, Morlion B, Montes A, Pergolizzi J, Schäfer M. Management of acute pain in the postoperative setting: the importance of quality indicators. Curr Med Res Opin 2018; 34(1): 187-196. IF 2.665. Q1.

Ongoing Research Projects

• Validación externa prospectiva de una escala predictiva de la cronificación de Dolor Crónico Post-Quirúrgico

- Financing institution: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI16/00279)

- Period: from 2017 to 2019

- Principal investigator: Montes Pérez, Antonio

• Efecto sincrónico de los anestésicos sobre la Resonancia Magnética Funcional, el EEG y las respuestas clínicas. Desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización anestésica más preciso

- Financing institution: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI16/00616)

- Period: from 2017 to 2019

- Principal investigator: Fernández Candil, Juan Luis










C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona

(+34) 93 316 04 00