Mental Health
Research group
The Mental Health Research Group is a multidisciplinary team formed by researchers from several fields of mental health. Currently, the group has three main areas of research:
• E-mental Health: our group pioneers the design, research and implementation of online tools devised to provide a user-friendly, accessible, efficient, scalable and cheaper treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. Several outstanding projects are ongoing in this area:
- “Ifightdepression”: this is an online CBT-inspired treatment aimed at dealing with mild and moderate depression. Our group is running the largest efficiency trial with this tool, advocating for its implementation and training ad-hoc therapists.
- “SIMPLe”: an Android and IOS app designed by our researchers that aims to provide online psychoeducation, symptom monitoring, adherence enhancement and crisis prevention in bipolar disorder. An RCT is currently under way.
- We currently have several brand-new tools on our work benches, including e-EMDR, a subthreshold anxiety management online kit and others.
• Personalized interventions for treatment-refractory patients: our group uses novel and groundbreaking pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches to deal with treatment-refractory patients. Similarly, the group works with several large consortiums aiming to identify new biomarkers of treatment response. The following are some examples:
- Impact of trauma and the efficacy of EMDR with: PTSD, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, alcohol dependence, immigration related trauma, etc.
- Psychosurgery in refractory anorexia.
- Psilocybin and ketamine in refractory depression.
- Neuroimaging and pharmacogenetics in the prediction of response to lithium.
• Neuroimaging. Our group studies the brain and behavior correlations using anatomical and functional MRI. Significant contributions have been made in the field of obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, chronic pain, psychopathy and rare genetic disorders.
Pilar Álvarez López (Researcher)
María Teresa Campillo Sanz (Researcher)
Diego Alberto Hidalgo Mazzei (Researcher)
Ana Moreno Alcázar (Researcher)
Silvia Oller Canet (Researcher)
Antonio Luis Palomo Nicolau (Researcher)
Núria Pujol Giménez (Researcher)
Alfonso Rodríguez Martínez (Researcher)
Alicia Valiente Gómez (Researcher)
Aitana García Estela (Technician)
Bridget Hogg (Technician)
Eva Luque Asín (Research Assistant)
Main Publications
• Amare AT, Schubert KO, Hou L (...Colom F...), Mitchell PB, Bauer M, Alda M, Rietschel M, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Baune BT, International Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLi+Gen). Association of Polygenic Score for Schizophrenia and HLA Antigen and Inflammation Genes With Response to Lithium in Bipolar Affective Disorder: A Genome-Wide Association Study. JAMA Psychiatry 2018; 75(1): 65-74. IF 16.642. D1.
• Alemany S, Vilor-Tejedor N, García-Esteban R, Bustamante M, Dadvand P, Esnaola M, Mortamais M, Forns J, van Drooge BL, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Grimalt JO, Rivas I, Querol X, Pujol J, Sunyer J. Traffic-Related Air Pollution, APOE Status, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among School Children Enrolled in the BREATHE Project (Catalonia, Spain). Environ Health Perspect 2018; 126(8): 087001. IF 8.309. D1.
• Dadvand P, Pujol J, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Blanco-Hinojo L, Mortamais M, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Fenoll R, Esnaola M, Dalmau-Bueno A, López-Vicente M, Basagaña X, Jerrett M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Sunyer J. The Association between Lifelong Greenspace Exposure and 3-Dimensional Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Barcelona Schoolchildren. Environ Health Perspect 2018; 126(2): 027012. IF 8.309. D1.
• Vilor-Tejedor N, Alemany S, Cáceres A, Bustamante M, Pujol J, Sunyer J, González JR. Strategies for integrated analysis in Imaging Genetics studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2018; 93: 57-70. IF 8.037. D1.
• Oriolo G, Egmond E, Mariño Z, Cavero M, Navines R, Zamarrenho L, Solà R, Pujol J, Bargallo N, Forns X, Martín-Santos R. Systematic review with meta-analysis: neuroimaging in hepatitis C chronic infection. Aliment Pharm Therap 2018; 47(9): 1238-1252. IF 7.357. D1.
• Suñol M, Contreras-Rodríguez O, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Martínez-Zalacaín I, Subirà M, Pujol J, Sunyer J, Soriano-Mas C. Brain Structural Correlates of Subclinical Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Healthy Children. J Am Acad Child Psy 2018; 57: 41-47. IF 6.25. D1.
• Via E, Fullana MA, Goldberg X, Tinoco-González D, Martínez-Zalacaín I, Soriano-Mas C, Davey CG, Menchón JM, Straube B, Kircher T, Pujol J, Cardoner N, Harrison BJ. Ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity and pathological worry in generalised anxiety disorder. Br J Psychiatry 2018; 213(1): 437-443. IF 5.867. D1.
• Galindo L, Moreno E, López F, Guinart D, Cuenca A, Izquierdo-Serra M, Xicota L, Fernández-Avilés C, Menoyo E, Fernández-Fernández JM, Benítez-King G, Canela EI, Casadó V, Pérez V, de la Torre R, Robledo P. Cannabis Users Show Enhanced Expression of CB1-5HT2A Receptor Heteromers in Olfactory Neuroepithelium Cells. Mol Neurobiol 2018; 55(8): 6347-6361. IF 5.076. Q1.
• Hidalgo-Mazzei D, Reinares M, Mateu A, Nikolova VL, Bonnín CDM, Samalin L, García-Estela A, Pérez V, Young AH, Strejilevich S, Vieta E, Colom F. OpenSIMPLe: A real-world implementation feasibility study of a smartphone-based psychoeducation programme for bipolar disorder. J Affect Disorders 2018; 241: 436-445. IF 3.786. Q1.
Ongoing Research Projects
• Optimizing response to Li treatment through personalized evaluation of individuals with bipolar I disorder: the R-LiNK initiative
- Financing institution: European Commission (10972)
- Period: from 2018 to 2022
- Principal investigator: Colom Victoriano, Francesc
• Estudi simple cec, aleatoritzat i controlat per comparar l'eficàcia de l'EMDR vs. TAU en pacients amb trastorn per ús de substàncies i història de trauma psicològic
- Financing institution: Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya (SLT006/17/00038)
- Period: from 2018 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Amann, Benedikt Lorenz
• Avaluació de l'efectivitat i cost-efectivitat d'un programa de prevenció, detecció i abordatge dels trastorns mentals a petites i mitjanes empreses
- Financing institution: Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya (SLT006/17/00354)
- Period: from 2018 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Justícia Díaz, Azucena
• Cognició social i biaixos cognitius en persones amb primers episodis psicòtics en comparació amb esquizofrènia crònica i controls sans
- Financing institution: Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya (SLT006/17/00231)
- Period: from 2018 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Legido Gil, Teresa
• Prevalence of psychological trauma in patients with a recent diagnosis of HIV and the efficacy of EMDR therapy versus TAU in a pilot RCT in clinical symptoms and biological markers of HIV
- Financing institution: EMDR Europe
- Period: from 2018 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Amann, Benedikt Lorenz
• Pilot single blind, randomized controlled study of EMDR versus TAU in inpatients with severe mental disorders and psychological trauma
- Financing institution: EMDR Europe
- Period: from 2018 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Moreno Alcázar, Ana
• Estimulación cerebral profunda en el cíngulo subgeniculado y el núcleo accumbens como tratamiento a pacientes con anorexia nerviosa crónica, severa y refractaria
- Financing institution: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI16/00382)
- Period: from 2017 to 2019
- Principal investigator: Pérez Sola, Víctor
• Single-blind, Randomized Controlled Comparison of EMDR Versus Supportive Therapy in Affective Relapse Prevention in Bipolar Patients With a History of Trauma
- Financing institution: Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (24397)
- Period: from 2017 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Amann, Benedikt Lorenz
• Estudio simple ciego, randomizado y controlado para comparar la eficacia de EMDR vs terapia de apoyo en la prevención de recaídas afectivas en bipolares con evento traumático previo
- Financing institution: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI15/02242)
- Period: from 2016 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Amann, Benedikt Lorenz
• SIMPLeBand: Monitorización pasiva de signos en pacientes con trastorno bipolar en estadios avanzados mediante smartbands para la prevención de recaídas
- Financing institution: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI15/00588)
- Period: from 2016 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Colom Victoriano, Francesc
• Estudio del estado de activación del factor Nrf2 en cultivo primario de pro-neuronas a partir de epitelio olfatorio en el Trastorno Depresivo Mayor
- Financing institution: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI15/00398)
- Period: from 2016 to 2020
- Principal investigator: Álvarez López, Pilar
• Eficacia del programa online iFightDepression para el tratamiento de la depresión leve y moderada
- Financing institution: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI13/00171)
- Period: from 2014 to 2018
- Principal investigator: Pérez Sola, Víctor
Participation in Research Networks
• CIBERSAM – Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental
- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. Subprograma CIBER. (CB07/09/0010).
- Principal investigator: Pérez Sola, Víctor
• ConLiGen- Consortium for Lithium Genetics
- Principal investigator: Colom Victoriano, Francesc
• European Alliance Against Depression (EAAD)
- Principal investigator: Pérez Sola, Víctor
Group’s Recognitions
• Officially recognized as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Salut Mental (2017-2020)
- Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 134)
- Principal investigator: Colom Victoriano, Francesc
• Officially recognized as an emergent research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Unitat de Recerca Centre Fòrum (2017-2020)
- Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 46)
- Principal investigator: Moreno Alcázar, Ana
Clinical Trials Signed in 2018
• Cohorte de depresión resistente al tratamiento en Europa
- Register: 54135419DEP4001
- Principal investigator: Pérez Sola, Víctor
• Seguridad y eficacia de la psilocibina en participantes con depresión refractaria al tratamiento (P-TRD)
- Register: COMP 001
- Principal investigator: Pérez Sola, Víctor
• Estrada X. Utilidad de la arquitectura del sueño para el diagnóstico del trastorno bipolar pediátrico. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- Directors: Romero-Cela, S; Pérez Sola, Víctor; Álvarez-Martínez, E.
- Date of defense: 29/06/2018
• Francesc Colom Victoriano. Hestia 2018 Awards for Excellence in Healthcare and Mental Health Research. International University of Catalonia. Date: 08/03/2018.
• Jesús Pujol. Award Ramon Turró for the article When does human brain development end? Evidence of corpus callosum growth up to adulthood. Pujol et al. Annals of Neurology 1993;34;71-75 as the most cited article for 25 years in Experimental Neurobiology. Societat Catalana de Biologia 2018
• Jesús Pujol. Award for the best communication of the 62nd Congress of the Spanish Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AEPNyA).Palma, Illes Balears, 7-9 June 2018. “¿Son TCL y TDAH diferentes síndromes? análisis estructural y funcional cerebrales de los síntomas TCL.”