Hepatologic Research

 Research group

Group Leader

Ricard Solà Lamoglia

Since 2000, our work group has followed various lines of clinical research: The natural history of decompensated cirrhosis, ascites, renal insufficiency and infections; The virological response and viral kinetics during hepatitis C treatment in patients with or without HIV coinfection; The adherence to hepatitis C treatment and the study, prevention and treatment of the psychiatric pathology associated with the interferon and the progression of fibrosis in Hepatitis C with or without HIV coinfection. Recently we have also initiated diferent studies in Hepatitis B (particularly adherence to the treatment and reactivation, treatment and predictors of curation), hepatocellular carcinoma (natural history and impact of different etiologies) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).


María Teresa Broquetas González (Researcher)

Núria Cañete Hidalgo (Researcher)

José Antonio Carrión Rodríguez (Researcher)

Susana Coll Estrada (Researcher)

Montserrat García Retortillo (Researcher)

Marc Puigvehí Badosa (Researcher)

Rosa Fernández Rodríguez (Technician)

María Dolores Giménez Romaní (Technician)

Ana Viu Soto (Technician)

Diego Lázaro Agudo (Research Assistant)


Main Publications

• Esteban R, Pineda JA, Calleja JL, Casado M, Rodríguez M, Turnes J, Morano LE, Morillas RM, Forns X, Pascasio-Acevedo JM, et al. Efficacy of Sofosbuvir and Velpatasvir, With and Without Ribavirin, in Patients With HCV genotype 3 Infection and Cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 2018; 155(4): 1120-1127. IF 20.773. D1.

• Oriolo G, Egmond E, Mariño Z, Cavero M, Navines R, Zamarrenho L, Solà R, Pujol J, Bargallo N, Forns X, Martín-Santos R. Systematic review with meta-analysis: neuroimaging in hepatitis C chronic infection. Aliment Pharm Therap 2018; 47(9): 1238-1252. IF 7.357. D1.

• Cacoub P, Buggisch P, Carrión JA, Cooke GS, Zignego AL, Beckerman R, Younossi Z. Direct Medical Costs Associated with the Extrahepatic Manifestations of Hepatitis C Infection in Europe. J Viral Hepatitis 2018; 25(7): 811-817. IF 4.237. Q1.

Ongoing Research Projects

• Cuantificación del HBsAg en pacientes con Hepatitis B HBeAg-negativo, portadores inactivos o en tratamiento, para predecir la pérdida del HBsAg y correlación con los marcadores de fibrosis

- Financing institution: Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI14/00540)

- Period: from 2015 to 2019.

- Principal investigator: Carrión Rodríguez, José Antonio.


Clinical Trials Signed in 2018

• Manejo de pacientes con Carcinoma HepatoCelular irresecable (CHCi) tras confirmación radiológica de progresión de la enfermedad a la primera línea de tratamiento sistémico

- Register: HERACLES

- Principal investigator: Carrión Rodríguez, José Antonio

• REFINE: Estudio observacional de regorafenib en carcinoma hepatocelular

- Register: BAY-REG-2018-01

- Principal investigator: Carrión Rodríguez, José Antonio









C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona

(+34) 93 316 04 00
