Healthy Cities and Environmental Justice
Associated group
The group’s research line focuses on the social determinants of healthy and just cities and on the health and social impacts of planning and creating greener, more sustainable, and resilient cities. Many of our studies examine environmental and health inequities resulting from urban planning decisions and interventions, as well as the community actions, policies, and planning decisions able to address such inequities. We also analyze how cities integrate health risks, impacts, and emergencies into urban planning and policy, the constraints they face to bring health, health equity, and health services at the center of policy agenda, planning decisions, and implementation, and the opportunities that exist to bring health at the center of urban planning and development. Last, the group examines the role played by risks or experiences of urban gentrification and displacement on mental and physical health outcomes. Particular attention is paid here to the role played by gentrification as a mediating factor between exposure to new green and sustainable urban environments and health outcomes.
Francesc Baró Porras (Researcher)
Helen Cole (Researcher)
James Connolly (Researcher)
Melissa García Williams (Researcher)
Santiago Gorostiza Langa (Researcher)
Panagiota Kotsila (Researacher)
Johannes Langemeyer (Researcher)
Margarita Triguero Mas (Researcher)
Filka Tsvetkova Sekulova (Researcher)
Carmen Pérez de Pulgar Frowein (PhD Student)
Galia Shokry (PhD Student)
Laura Jiménez Fernández (Research Assistant)
Main Publications with IMIM
• Langemeyer J, Camps-Calvet M, Calvet-Mir L, Barthel S, Gómez-Baggethun E. Stewardship of urban ecosystem services: understanding the value(s) of urban gardens in Barcelona. Landscape Urban Plan 2018; 170: 79-89. IF 4.994. D1.
• Turkelboom F, Leone M, Jacobs S, Kelemen E, García-Llorente M, Baró F, Termansen M, Barton DN, Berry P, Stange E, Thoonen M, Kaloczai A, Vadineanu A, Castro AJ, Czúcz B, Röckmann C, Wurbs D, Odee D, Preda E, Gómez-Baggethun E, Rusch GM, Martínez-Pastur G, Palomo I, Dick J, Casaer J, van Dijk J, Priess JA, Langemeyer J, Mustajoki J, Kopperoinen L, Baptist MJ, Peri PL, Mukhopadhyay R, Aszalós R, Roy SB, Luque S, Rusch V. When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning. Ecosyst Serv 2018; 29 (Part C): 566-578. IF 4.395. Q1.
• Anguelovski I, Connolly JJT, Masip L, Pearsall H. Assessing green gentrification in historically disenfranchised neighborhoods: a longitudinal and spatial analysis of Barcelona. Urban Geogr 2018; 39(3): 458-491. IF 2.307. Q1.
• Anguelovski I, Cole H, Connolly JJT, Triguero-Mas M. Do green neighbourhoods promote urban health justice?. Lancet Public Health 2018; 3(6): e270. IF 1.824. Q1.
• Anguelovski I, Connolly JJT, Brand AL. From landscapes of utopia to the margins of the green urban life: For whom is the new green city? City 2018; 22(3): 417-436. IF 1.333.
• Comelli T, Anguelovski I, Chu E. Socio-spatial legibility, discipline, and gentrification through favela upgrading in Rio de Janeiro. City 2018; 22(5-6): 633-656. IF 1.333.