Radiation Oncology

Research group

Group Leader

Manuel Ignacio Algara López

The Radiation Oncology Research Group (GREOR) is a clinical and basic research group working on the use of radiation as a base of cancer treatment, especially in the lines of altered fractionation, radiotoxicity and quality of life, technological quality control and innovation; in addition to clinical projects linked to the clinical activity in the Radiation Oncology Service.

It is a multidisciplinary group comprising medical staff, physicists, technicians and nursing staff. The group has a significant scientific output in relation to radiation oncology groups in the area, besides activity to give research visibility.

Its main objective is to maintain the active lines of research, establish synergies with other groups, both national and international, to continue with the group’s training activities and the level of scientific output, and fundraising for both competitive and non-competitive funds, besides increasing its impact in society (popular science, clinical practice guidelines, patient groups and dissemination).





Palmira Foro Arnalot (Researcher)

Jaume Quera Jordana (Researcher)

Anna Reig Castillejo (Researcher)

Núria Rodríguez de Dios (Researcher)

Javier Sanz Latiesas (Researcher)

Ismael Membrive Conejo (PhD Student)

M. Josefa Dengra Domingo (Technician)

Rafael Jiménez Lahuerta (Technician)



Main Publications

• Prades J, Algara M, Espinàs JA, Farrús B, Arenas M, Reyes V, García-Reglero V, Cambra MJ, Rubio E, Anglada L, Eraso A, Pedro A, Fuentes-Raspall MJ, Tuset V, Solà J, Borras JM. Understanding variations in the use of hypofractionated radiotherapy and its specific indications for breast cancer: A mixed-methods study. Radiother Oncol 2017; 123(1): 22-28. IF 4.328. Q1.

• Cambra MJ, Farrús B, Moreno F, Anglada L, Arenas M, Ballester R, Casals J, Cusidó M, García V, Gutiérrez C, Mollà M, Pedro A, Reyes V, Sanz J. Management of breast ductal carcinoma in situ in Catalonia, Spain: Results from the Grup Oncologic Calalà-Occità-Catalonia survey with 9-year follow up. Breast 2017; 35: 196-202. IF 2.801. Q1.

Ongoing Research Projects

• Valoración de los beneficios de la rehabilitación profiláctica de la musculatura deglutoria sobre la calidad de vida y deglución, a corto y medio plazo, de los pacientes sometidos a radioterapia por cáncer de cabeza y cuello: Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado

- Fundación Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (PS14152556FORO)

- From 2015 to 2018

- Principal investigator: Foro Arnalot, Palmira


Clinical Trials signed in 2017

• OPTimizing Irradiation through Molecular Assessment of Lymph Node after primary sistemic treatment (OPTIMAL IIa)

- Register: GIC - RAD - 2016 - 01

- Principal researcher: Algara López, Manuel Ignacio



• Sanz J. Esquemas de irradicación hipofraccionada en el tratamiento conservador del cáncer de mama. Pompeu Fabra University

- Director: Algara López, Manuel Ignacio

- Date of defense: 07/02/2017




C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona

(+34) 93 316 04 00
