Critical Illness

Research group

Group Leader

Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz

The Critical Illness Research Group (GREPAC) aims at contributing to elucidate the mechanism involved in the onset and progression of different illnesses that cause a reversible dysfunction to one or more organs placing the patient’s life at risk. To do this, our research includes clinical research on patients, and also experimental models. These models allow us to study the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes and to identify therapeutic targets and new strategies against these illnesses and, whenever possible, to anticipate ourselves to these cascades to avoid more illnesses and multi-organ dysfunction.

The Critical Illness Research Group conceived Intensive Medicine research from a translational, clinical and multi-disciplinary approach; hence, another important objective is to further study new strategies and treatments by conducting controlled clinical trials and observational projects with a high interest, participating at all possible levels of commitment: as promoters, lead researchers, collaborators in multi-center projects and developing our own projects.


Francisco Álvarez Lerma (Researcher)

Yolanda Díaz Buendía (Researcher)

Irene Dot Jordana (Researcher)

María Pilar Gracia Arnillas (Researcher)

Judith Marín Corral (Researcher)

Rosana Muñoz Bermúdez (Researcher)

Joan Nolla Salas (Researcher)

Purificación Pérez Terán (Researcher)

Antonia Vázquez Sánchez (Researcher)

Ana Zapatero Ferrándiz (Researcher)

Marta Gas Amat (Research Assistant)



Main Publications

• Martín-Loeches I, J Schultz M, Vincent JL, Álvarez-Lerma F, Bos LD, Solé-Violán J, Torres A, Rodríguez A. Increased incidence of co-infection in critically ill patients with influenza. Intensive Care Med 2017; 43(1): 48-58. IF 12.01. D1.

• García-de-Acilu M, Marín-Corral J, Vázquez-Sánchez A, Ruano L, Magret M, Ferrer R, Masclans JR, Roca O. Hypoxemic Patients With Bilateral Infiltrates Treated With High-Flow Nasal Cannula Present a Similar Pattern of Biomarkers of Inflammation and Injury to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Patients. Crit Care Med 2017; 45(11): 1845-1853. IF 7.05. Q1.

• Sakr Y, Rubatto Birri, Kotfis K, Nanchal R, Shah B, Kluge S, Schroeder ME, Marshall JC, Vincent JL, Intensive Care Over Nations Investigators (...Álvarez-Lerma F...). Higher Fluid Balance Increases the Risk of Death From Sepsis: Results From a Large International Audit. Crit Care Med 2017; 45(3): 386-394. IF 7.05. Q1.

• Yébenes JC, Ruiz-Rodríguez JC, Ferrer R, Clèries M, Bosch A, Lorencio C, Rodríguez A, Nuvials X, Martín-Loeches I, Artigas A; SOCMIC (Catalonian Critical Care Society) Sepsis Working Group (...Álvarez-Lerma F...). Epidemiology of sepsis in Catalonia: analysis of incidence and outcomes in a European setting. Ann Intensive Care 2017; 7(1): 19. IF 3.66. Q2.

Ongoing Research Projects

• Papel del eje IL-33 /ST2 en el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento del síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo

- Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. ISCIII (PI14/01420)

- From 2015 to 2018

- Principal investigator: Masclans Enviz, Joan Ramon

• Papel del eje IL-33 /ST2 en el diagnóstico, pronóstico y tratamiento del síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo

- Fundación Española de Enfermo Crítico

- From 2015 to 2017

- Principal investigator: Marín Corral, Judith



Participation in Research Networks

• CIBERES: CIBER of Respiratory Diseases

• CISA: Ibero-American cooperation in high flow support

• HISPAFLOW: Spanish group of experts in high flow oxygen therapy

• Acute Respiratory Failure, Section Translational Biology Group (European Society of Intensive Care Medicine or ESICM)


Group’s Recognitions

• Officially recognized as a emerging research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya: Grup de Recerca en Patologia Crítica (GREPAC) (2017-2019)

- Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (SGR 200)

- Principal investigator: Marín Corral, Judith


Clinical Trials Signed in 2017

• Estudio comparativo de fase III de grupos paralelos, aleatorizado y doble ciego sobre la eficacia y seguridad de FP-1201-lyo (interferón beta-1A recombinante humano) y placebo en el tratamiento de pacientes con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda grave o moderado

- Register: FPCLI002

- Principal investigator: Masclans Enviz, Joan Ramon

• Estudio clínico multicéntrico, aleatorizado, doble ciego, de grupos paralelos para evaluar S-649266 en comparación con meropenem para el tratamiento de la neumonía bacteriana intrahospitalaria, la neumonía bacteriana asociada a ventilación mecánica o la neumonía bacteriana asociada a la atención médica, provocadas por patógenos gramnegativos

- Register: 1615R2132

- Principal investigator: Marín Corral, Judith




• Catalán I. ¿Influye la estructura hospitalaria en la etiología de la neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica? Diferencias en la etiología de la neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica según la estructura hospitalaria. Autonomous University of Barcelona

- Director: Álvarez Lerma, Francisco

- Date of defense: 13/11/2017




• Fisher & Paykel scholarship for personnel financing

- Fisher & Paykel

- Since 2015

- Principal investigator: Masclans Enviz, Joan Ramon





C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona

(+34) 93 316 04 00