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Agenda - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



"The WECARE study"

Sala Xipre (Seminari 173.06) de l'IMIM a les 09:30 hores

"Ionizing radiation, DNA repair pathways, and genome scans for studying the risk of second breast cancers following radiotherapy"

El proper 18 d´Abril ens visitarà el Dr Duncan Thomas, Professor i director de la divisió de Bioestadística de la Universitat de Sud California (USC) i de la Keck School of Medicine. El Dr Thomas ens presentarà el seminari titulat: Ionizing radiation, DNA repair pathways, and genome scans for studying the risk of second breast cancers following radiotherapy: The WECARE study.

Dr. Thomas is Professor of Preventive Medicine, Director of the Biostatistics Division, and Verna R. Richter Chair in Cancer Research at the University of Southern California School of Medicine. He received his undergraduate degree from Haverford College, an M.S. in Mathematics from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from McGill University in 1976.

His primary research interest has been in the development of statistical methods for cancer epidemiology, but he also has wide ranging interests in both environmental and genetic epidemiology. On the environmental side, he has been particularly active in radiation carcinogenesis, having collaborated on studies of cancer in residents downwind of the Nevada Test Site, uranium miners, medical irradiation, and the atomic bomb survivors. Other environmental activities include studies of asbestos, malathion spraying in California, electromagnetic fields, and air pollution; he is Co-Director of the Southern California Environmental Health Sciences Center.

He is also one of the senior investigators in the California Childrens Health Study, the only long-term cohort study of the chronic effects of air pollution in children. On the genetic side, Dr. Thomas has numerous publications in the area of statistical genetics, including the textbook Statistical Methods in Genetic Epidemiology (Oxford University Press, 2004) and is collaborating on family studies of breast, ovarian, colon, prostate and other cancers, insulin dependent diabetes, systemic lupus erethematosis, and other diseases. He chairs organizing committees for the Genetic Analysis Workshop and the Informatics Consortium for the NCI Cooperative Family Registries for Breast and Colorectal Cancer. He is currently finalizing a second textbook Statistical Methods in Environmental Epidemiology.

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