Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



CellRake: a Python package for analyzing.../Neural correlates of training-dependent adaptation.../Cooperative action of interneuron classes...

Sala Charles Darwin, PRBB

Us convidem al pròxim seminari organitzat pel Programa de Neurociències del Hospital del Mar Research Institut i del Servei de Neurologia de l'Hospital del Mar que tindrà lloc el pròxim dilluns 3 de febrer a les 10:00 h a la Sala Charles Darwin. El seminari constarà de tres xerrades, el primer títol serà "CellRake: a Python package for analyzing cells in fluorescent images." i anirà a càrrec de Marc Canela Grimau, del Grup de recerca en mecanismes cel·lulars en conducta fisiològica i patològica. Hospital del Mar Research Instiute. El segon títol serà "Neural correlates of training-dependent adaptation to unilateral conductive hearing loss in the inferior colliculus of the ferret." i anirà a càrrec de Ana Isabel Sánchez Jiménez, de Mecanismes neuronals de percepció i memòria. Hospital del Mar Research Instiute. I la tercera xerrada es titularà "Cooperative action of interneuron classes supports the hippocampal spatial code." i anirà a càrreg de Pablo Abad Pérez, Laboratori de computació neural. Hospital del Mar Research Instiute.


We invite you to the next seminar organized by the Neurosciences Program of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute and the Neurology Service of the Hospital del Mar that will take place next Monday, February 3, at 10:00 a.m. in the Charles Darwin Room. The seminar will consist of three talks, the first talk, titled "CellRake: a Python package for analyzing cells in fluorescent images," will be presented by Marc Canela Grimau from the Cell-type mechanisms in normal and pathological behavior, Hospital del Mar Research Institute. The second talk, titled "Neural correlates of training-dependent adaptation to unilateral conductive hearing loss in the inferior colliculus of the ferret," will be presented by Ana Isabel Sánchez Jiménez from the Neural Mechanisms of Perception and Memory, Hospital del Mar Research Institute. And the third talk, titled "Cooperative action of interneuron classes supports the hippocampal spatial code," will be presented by Pablo Abad Pérez from the Neural Computation Laboratory, Hospital del Mar Research Institute.


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