Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



The technology behind AI and its uses in life sciences and medicine

Sala Xipre 12:00h

Us convidem al pròxim seminari d'Inteligencia Artificial de l’Hopital del Mar Research Institute que tindrà lloc el pròxim divendres 7 de juny a les 12:00 h a la Sala Xipre. El títol serà "The technology behind AI and its uses in life sciences and medicine" i anirà a càrrec de Carlos Escapa, Global Practice Lead, Data and AI Amazon, US. Invited professor Berkeley-Haas, Instituto de Empresa and ESADE.


We invite you to the next seminar of Artificial Intelligence of the Hospital del Mar Research Institute that will take place next Friday June 7 at 12:00 h in the Xipre Room. The title will be "The technology behind AI and its uses in life sciences and medicine" and will be given by Carlos Escapa, Global Practice Lead, Data and AI Amazon, US. Invited professor Berkeley-Haas, Instituto de Empresa and ESADE.


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