PRBB, 4th floor CRG, 001 room a les 13:00h
Us convidem al pròxim IMIM Seminar organitzat pel Programa de Recerca Clínica Translacional, que tindrà lloc el dilluns 10/07/2023 a les 13:00 h. El títol serà "Systems biological analysis of the immune response to vaccination", a càrrec de Dr. Bali Puledran, PhD, Professor of Pathology and Microbiology &
Immunology at Stanford University. Bio-X Affiliated Faculty.
Perfil d’Stanford:
El treball del Dr. Bali Pulendran se centra en la comprensió dels mecanismes pels quals el sistema immunitari innat regula la immunitat adaptativa i l'aprofitament d'aquests mecanismes en el disseny de noves vacunes contra les pandèmies mundials. Més recentment, ha començat a aplicar enfocaments de biologia de sistemes per predir l'eficàcia de les vacunes i desxifrar nous correlats de la protecció contra les malalties infeccioses.
Perfil biogràfic:
We invite you to the next IMIM Seminar organized by the Translational Clinical Research Program, which will take place on Monday July 10 at 14:30 h. The title will be "Systems biological analysis of the immune response to vaccination", by Dr. Bali Puledran, PhD, Professor of Pathology and Microbiology & Immunology at Stanford University. Bio-X Affiliated Faculty.
Stanford Profile:
Dr. Bali Pulendran's work focuses on understanding the mechanisms by which the innate immune system regulates adaptive immunity and harnessing such mechanisms in the design of novel vaccines against global pandemics. More recently, he has begun to apply systems biological approaches to predicting the efficacy of vaccines, and deciphering new correlates of protection against infectious diseases.
Biography profile:
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